ProgressBook StudentInformation EMIS Updates 2016 NCOCC Fall Huddle
EMIS, JVS/CTC and Data Needs Agenda Graduation Points CCP (College Credit Plus) Reporting Grad-Only Student Reporting Ad hoc Assessment Reports
Fun Fall Fact Bobbing for Apples Did you know… bobbing for apples started as a British Courting Ritual. Every male was assigned an apple and the young eligible ladies would bob for them, hoping to grab the apple of their beloved.
Grad Points
New pages in StudentInformation Grad points New pages in StudentInformation Will track where each student is in their graduation path Will calculate nightly or by individual student Covers the state requirements Overall project is to show where the student is at on their path to graduation based on the requirements that the state has provided. The new pages will use what the state has provided and it will be separate from grad ver. These pages are currently under development and could still change but these slides have the main direction we are developing.
Will track where each student is in their grad path Main Student View New pages in SI Will track where each student is in their grad path Will calculate nightly or by individual student Covers the state requirements Default page with a student in context. This page gives an overview of where the student is at from a Credit Requirement view and also from Pathway view where they currently are at. This data will be calculated nightly. If data changes during the day the user will also have the option to update the screen to see the latest values. Clicking view details drills down into further detail about each area. Click on More…. To see an alternate view of the credits for the student.
Main Student View Alternate view of Credits This is an alternative view of the Credits if the user clicks the ‘…More’ link at the bottom of the Credit Requirements window. This just gives a different view of the data so that you can see credits earned vs. required. Clicking the ‘..Less’ link returns to the default credits view.
Credit details View Credit Details for each subject Courses displayed based on Subject Area for Credit + Is High school credit This is a view of the Credit Details if View Details is clicked for one of the subject areas. It will show the status of if that area has been completed overall and also break down each course and credit earned for that student. It will break the view up into Finished vs. In Progress or Scheduled courses. Still looking at where points will show on the details.
Graduation pathways Graduation pathways – bigger view of main page Shows Status of where the student is at on 3 potential grad pathways and the status of each one This screen is a bigger view of the Graduation Pathways area on the main student screen above. This allows you to quickly see where the student is at on 3 potential grad pathways and the status of each one.
Graduation pathways State Assessment Detail Shows each area, status and points earned for each assessment This screen is showing the detail record for the State Assessment Path. This will show each area, it’s status and points earned for each assessment. If the student has taken the assessment multiple times you will be able to expand the area to see points earned on each attempt. The areas will also be linked to quickly jump to the page for that assessment.
Graduation pathways State Assessment Detail continued Total points earned/required at the bottom of the page Bottom of the State Assessment detail page that shows the total for all state assessments. In this slide and the previous one it is showing different options for things like IB, CCP and prorated (this is demo data and one is prorated and is why there is only 15 points required)
Graduation pathways Industry Credential/Work Force Readiness This screen is showing the detail record for the Industry Credential/Work Force Readiness pathway. It will break down each area and whether or not enough points have been earned for it to be complete for each assessment.
Graduation pathways College Admission ACT/SAT detail This screen is showing the detail record for College Admission pathway. This will show results for either ACT or SAT and where the student is at for each subject area. The page will also show multiple attempts as well as giving a link to quickly jump to the ACT or SAT page.
Grad Points Additional options will be added to accommodate Special Ed students taking the alternate assessments who are exempt from being proficient on EOC exams will receive 3 points [equivalent to proficient] for each exempted test required for graduation Transfer In students who transfer in with no previous scores and only a few courses with corresponding tests will have their graduation point requirement minimum prorated.
Fun Fall Facts Did you know……. Candy Corn has it’s very own day that should be celebrated every year? Sunday, October 30th is Candy Corn day so that means you can eat as much as you can to celebrate.
College Credit Plus Reporting
College Credit Plus Reporting College Credit Plus courses may be taken at a college or provided by a contracted teacher at the High School CCP courses approved under the Articulation agreement should have the ‘Dual Credit’ feature reported as part of their Core Summary Record Available on Course record and Course History Maintenance Summer School CCP courses do not get reported to EMIS but the credits earned are included in the Core Summary Records
College Credit Plus Individual Student college credit amounts updated on College Credit Management Page
College Credit Plus College Credits for Manually Entered Courses (includes CCP courses taken over the summer
College Credit Plus Period G – Student Core Summary Records – College Credit earned is reported in the Dual Credit Column
Fun Fall Facts Did you know…… Pumpkins are grown all over the world: 6 of 7 continents. The largest ever pumpkin pie was made in New Bremen, Ohio – it was 20 feet in diameter and weighted 3,699 pounds! It took days to bake, but was cut into 5,000 slices when it was finished.
Grad-Only Reporting
Grad Only Reporting Updates Reporting requirements have changed for FY16 No longer reporting a GP record Students must be reported with an FN record the same as enrolled students Students will be registered in SI Registration Wizard will be updated – additional checkbox will be added for Grad Only Student Registration Students will be admitted and withdrawn on their graduation date Students will NOT be included in Periods S or L or Student Cross Reference
Grad Only Reporting Updates Updated Registration will prompt for different info than regular student registration As much data as possible will be on student registration so you won’t have to edit the profile Admission, Withdrawal, and Graduation Dates will all be same date Period G Transfers – updated to include the following record types: FN Records – record length extended for new grad related fields FE Records – include Special Ed Grad Records if any FC Records – Core Summary records are to be reported FA Records – Any assessment records to report for the student
Only a limited number of fields are entered for Grad-Only students. Once registered, students are labeled “Grad-Only” on Edit Student Profile Page
Fun Fall Fact Did you know……. Researchers found that during the cooler months of autumn, men are more likely to wear sweaters and cozy up with their sweethearts and watch romantic comedies…
Ad Hoc Assessment Reports
Ad-Hoc Reports New ad hoc reporting tool for reports Design and create ad hoc reports System reports District reports User reports As new system reports are created they are pushed out without the need for a software release Designer available in the Local menu of SI Report access based on SI security New ad-hoc reporting tool is available in SI. The new tool allows districts and users to create reports and include the data that they want on the report. System reports are being created and sent out for the highest priority reports requested. Districts can also create reports to give to users and users can create their own custom reports.
State Assessment Below Reported Score Report Create Reports in PDF or Excel for additional modifications Filters allow you to choose assessments and Assessment Areas
Ad-Hoc Reports Access Ad-Hoc Reports Contact your security administrator if the icon doesn’t appear Use Ad-Hoc reports to run existing reports or create your own
Data Reporting Extracts Available Reports State Assessment Below Reported Score Report State Assessment Report Sub-Calendar Hours Analysis SSID Search End of Course Performance Summary 5 Credit Rule Check Student Schedules Medical Reports Family Group Reports Here are the reports currently available, more to come!
5 Credit Rule Check Report
End of Course Performance Summary This report gives the results for students and their End of Course records as well as their Performance Level values for each one.
EMIS Sub-Calendar Hours Analysis
Data Reporting and Extracts Ad-hoc report scheduling Schedule a report to run Can be set to run Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Scheduled report available in SI in the Management screen once run Scheduled reports can also be emailed User can also choose what format the scheduled report will be run as Can specify when to run a report and how often. Can run the report in any of the formats mentioned in the previous slide.
Data Reporting and Extracts Options for Scheduling Reports to run Ad-hoc scheduling Different options for scheduling reports to run.