KS3 Safety Evening Thursday 19th October 2017
Key Speakers Miss C Anderson – Assistant Headteacher Mr N Foster – IT Manager Miss R Devenish – PSHE Co-ordinator PC Sally Bisset – Safer Schools Officer Questions and Answers
Rationale Attendance Mobile Phones Exclusions Local Community Regular Updates Searching and Screening Safeguarding Audit
School Responsibilities Schools e-safety responsibilities are informed by several pieces of legislation and guidance but the most important of these are: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016 - Statutory guidance for schools and colleges issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 The Prevent Duty – a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, calls on schools in the exercise of their functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”
School e-Safety Systems We use a number of systems in school to filter and monitor activity on school networks. These systems form the backbone of meeting our statutory responsibilities. Lightspeed Web Filter – this piece of software intercepts internet traffic and filters it based on web filtering policies. KS3 students have the most restrictive filtering and as they progress through the school they receive gradually more access. Impero Education Pro – this piece of software amongst other things allows IT staff and select teaching staff to monitor the screen of students in real time and incorporates automatic recording / screenshot functionality.
eSafe Education To bolster our safeguarding provision we have recently signed a 3 year contract for a new product called eSafe Education. This company has a multi-lingual team of forensically trained analysts who look at all alerts generated by the monitoring software installed on school devices and action them according to severity. Low – summary reports compiled and sent daily Medium – alert sent via email to school designated contacts Severe – Phone call to Safeguarding Lead (Miss Anderson), if not available they will speak to the Headteacher.
Some examples of reports Here are a few examples eSafe have provided of actual incidents in other schools spotted using their system.
Year 7 PSHE Curriculum Autumn 1 Introduction to PSHE Inclusion Citizenship Democracy and Student council Spring 1 Smoking Alcohol Drugs Health campaign Summer 1 Friendship and reconciliation Bullying Peer pressure 4) PC Bisset – Child Sexual Exploitation Autumn 2 Staying safe in the online world. Cyber bullying Sexting 3a) PC Bisset – staying safe online Staying safe in the real word Spring 2 Diet/healthy eating Exercise Sleep Summer 2 Homophobia Prejudice/Discrimination Racism PC Bisset – appropriate use of language
Year 8 PSHE Curriculum Autumn 1 Intro to PSHE/ Ground rules Values How to be a good friend Bullying Spring 1 Your future Employability skills Option choices for year 9 Summer 1 Self-harm Eating disorders Anxiety/depression PC Bisset- drugs Autumn 2 Dealing with trouble Juvenile crime Gangs Cars and alcohol PC Bisset- Assault and respect for others Spring 2 Self esteem Body image Healthy emotions How to deal with anger Summer 2 Community cohesion Terrorism Extremism/ Radicalisation PC Bisset – Racism and inappropriate language
Where else is PSHE? Outside of the main curriculum, the following add value to PSHE within the wider school context: Assemblies School charities Student council Invited visitors Form time Personal Development Time Mentoring in Sixth Form Year 12 CRS lessons Whole school events e.g. careers day Educational visits and school trips e.g. World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh, Bambisanani Religious retreats e.g. Lourdes Sport teams, sport leaders, sports day Primary Peer leaders Year 7 Day of Welcome