Immediately Following Facilities Committee Finance Committee Chancellor Center Immediately Following Facilities Committee May 4, 2017
Tonight’s Discussion Items Renewal of Agreement with Chartwells to Provide Food Services for the 2017-2018 Discussion Regarding Bid Award Motions 2017-2018 Budget Update The numbers Homestead/Farmstead Estimates Update on Bond Refinancing Agenda Items for the May 18, 2017 Board Meeting: 2017-2018 Bids PlanCon Part K for Series B of 2015
Renewal of Contract with Chartwells to Provide Food Service Three years ago, the District entered into a contract with Chartwells to provide food services within the District This selection process was conducted in accordance with state and Federal regulations. These regulations require the District to enter into a new contract with a food service provider every five years and allows the District to renew that contract for each of the next four years. 2017-2018 will be the fourth year and this being the third renewal. Base Proposal Option 1 Lunch Prices Remain the Same Increase of $0.05 Middle School $ 3.35 $ 3.40 Elementary School 2.85 2.90 Operating Guarantee $ (16,836) $ (2,015)
Renewal of Contract with Chartwells to Provide Food Service (Continued) Historic Meal Pricing: School Year Elementary School Middle School 2011-2012 $2.55 $3.00 2012-2013 $2.75 $3.25 2013-2014 2014-2015 $2.85 $3.35 2015-2016 2016-2017 The Administration recommends maintaining the lunch prices at the same rate as 2016-2017 and agreeing to operate with the Base Proposal from Chartwells. We will need to address the loss in high school free and reduced lunch revenue at a different meeting.
Structure of Motions to Award Bids “I move to award Chromebooks Bid #17-23 to W.B. Mason Company, at a cost not to exceed of $6,712.80, subject to audit.” Motion indicates we will not exceed a fixed amount. This is counter to the focus of our operations. It is my (the District’s) intent to make as many of our purchases through the public bidding procedures. Makes transactions compliant with public bidding laws and regulations. Ensures there is a level of competition in awarding contracts. Bid specifications require bidders to hold bid pricing for a period of time. Accepted three donations from PTO’s totaling $44,471.25 using this bid. The Technology Department issued a requisition for an additional 570 Chromebooks with a value of $127,543.20
Structure of Motions to Award Bids (Continue) “I move to award Chromebooks Bid #17-23 to W.B. Mason Company, at a cost not to exceed of $6,712.80, subject to audit.” Suggested Structure of Bid Award Motion: I move to award Chromebooks Bid #17-23 to W.B. Mason Company, at an initial purchase of $6,712.80, and subsequent purchases for the term of the contract at no more than the unit cost indicated on the attached bid award tabulation and accompanying schedules, subject to audit.
2017-2018 Budget Update Preliminary, April 6, 2017 May 4, 2017 Update Revenues: $ 229,328,805 $ 229,370,364 Less: Appropriations: 233,765,343 233,469,764 Use of Fund Balance (4,436,538) (4,099,400) Targeted Use of Fund Balance: Unreserved/Undesignated (4,000,000) Future Education Initiatives (207,976) Total (4,207,976) Additional Reductions $ (228,562) $ 108,576 Analysis of Changes Professional Retirements (Maintaining Retirements @14.20 FTE) $ 253,671 Healthcare (590,809) Total Changes $ (337,138)
2017-2018 Homestead Farmstead Rebate State Allocation $5,584,992.63 Remaining Funds, 2016-2017 54,809.44 Total Funds Available $5,639,802.07 Homesteads 20,016 Farmsteads 47 Total 20,063 Reduction for Each Homestead and Farmstead $281.10 Fiscal Year Homestead/Farmstead Reduction Annual Increase (Decrease) 2008-2009 274.71 2009-2010 252.39 (22.32) 2010-2011 279.03 26.64 2011-2012 245.27 (33.76) 2012-2013 281.10 35.83 2013-2014 249.36 (31.74) 2014-2015 259.60 10.24 2015-2016 264.75 5.15 2016-2017 273.82 9.07 2017-2018 7.28
Bond Refinancing Transaction Yesterday the District issued the Series A of 2017 bonds in the amount of $21,455,000 to refinance portions of the following bond Series: 2011, A of 2011, 2012 and A of 2012 Total Refunded $24,395,000 Savings were 3.25% of the bonds refunded or $792,146 net of PlanCon reimbursement. The savings reduced future debt service in the years ending June 30, 2018 through 2024.
May 18, 2017 Board Agenda 2017-2018 Bid Awards Audio Visual/Library Supplies Musical Instruments Approval of PlanCon Part K, Series A of 2015