Sexual Misconduct Policy Title IX & Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) National American University Responsible Employee Training 2015
Title IX and VAWA Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC § 1681 et seq.) and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (42 USC § 13701 et seq.) together prohibit sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that take place on a campus, via other media, or at a university sponsored event. These acts are prohibited whether by a student, faculty member, staff member, or a third party. Source: United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Federal Registry
NAU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy are available at: Each responsible employee should carefully review NAU’ Sexual Misconduct Policy and Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy available at: NAU Public Website 2015-2016 Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral Academic Catalogs Student Portal MyNAU Faculty and Staff Intranet
“Responsible Employees” The following persons are designated as “responsible employees” in NAU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy: Faculty Campus Directors Regional Academic Deans Regional Vice Presidents Human Resources Employee Relations System Director for Human Resources
Responsible Employees are Required to: If a responsible employee becomes aware of, or should have reasonably been aware of, an incident of sexual misconduct, the employee is required to: Report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. Promptly complete an intake form with information about the incident and provide the intake form to the Title IX Coordinator (even if the student asks that no action be taken). The intake form is available at Implement interim measures, as appropriate.
When an Incident is Reported to You: Ask open-ended questions (Example: “Tell me what has been going on . . . “ ) Avoid leading questions. First Priority: LISTEN Be empathetic Encourage the person to file a police report – but don’t push Encourage the person to receive a medical exam (A medical exam is not required to file a police report.) Inform the person that you are required to report the information to the Title IX Coordinator. Be aware that the story may be disconnected and the person may have difficulty remembering all details. This does not mean that the person is not truthful. Remember: You are receiving the initial complaint. You are not conducting an investigation.
Do Not: When an incident is reported to you: Don’t ask . . . Why were you there? Did you drink too much? Why did you wear what you did? Why did you wait so long to report the incident? Don’t blame the victim. Don’t judge the victim. Don’t let you opinions and reactions show. Don’t make admissions. Say, “If that happened, I am so sorry.”
Interim Measures The Title IX Coordinator and Campus Director will determine and implement measures, as appropriate. However, you can take immediate actions to provide comfort and protection. Consider the person’s immediate needs and the safety of other students, faculty, and staff. For example, you can . . . Walk the person to the next class or the person’s car Excuse the student from class Provide a community resource list, which is available at each campus and on NAU’s website at
Confidentiality Do not promise confidentiality. A request for confidentiality is considered by the Title IX Coordinator. Strict confidentiality may limit the university’s ability to respond to the complaint. Ask the person to sign a consent form available at The incident can only be discussed with people with a “need to know.” Campus Director Title IX Coordinator Regional Academic Dean Human Resources Office of General Counsel
Contact Information Students should contact: Karen Hoffman Title IX Coordinator/System Director, Office of Student Concerns 5301 S. Highway 16 Rapid City, SD 57701 605-394-4805 (Office) Employees should contact: Michael Morford Human Resources Employee Relations 5301 S. Highway 16 Rapid City, SD 57701 605-721-5312(Office)