Equipment Demonstration in HoloLens Hologram Sharing
Equipment Demonstration Module About the project Equipment Demonstration Module We provides a new way of understanding complex 3D structures. The app is going to be used in working with machinery of varying complexity. With the app, user can see a 3D model of the machine right in front of him. The model is seen by all participants of the conference. Any viewer can move, rotate and scale the model. Users can use the gestures and voice commands to control the model. New models could be uploaded from the server. When the user runs the app he sees the list of available models. He could choose the necessary one and it will be uploaded to the Hololens.
Hologram Sharing About the project A group collaboration for sharing holograms, which are positioned at a fixed spot in space. Users have an opportunity to collaborate synchronously in real time using multiply Microsoft Hololens devices. There are two modes of working with the model: 1. The “main” viewer can only interact with the model (rotate, scale, etc) and other viewers can only watch. 2. Multiple users can interact with the model.
and other viewers can only watch. The mode where only the “main” user can interact with the model (rotate, scale, etc) and other viewers can only watch. When the viewer interacts with the model in a multiuser mode, the message is sent to the server (model coordinates, rotation, scaling, etc), after that the message is redirected from the server to the other user’s Hololens.
In this mode multiple users cant interact with the model.