Comte used positivism – scientific observation so that one can be positive of results to study society
Martineau emphasized sociology as a science – focused on feminism
Spencer introduced Social Darwinism – societies are like human bodies – they look to evolve and survive
Marx focused on class conflict – bourgeoise and proletariat
Durkheim believed in mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity He is also famous for his study on suicide
Weber believed in verstehen – putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
Sociologist Major Idea Explanation Comte Positivism Sociology should be based on knowledge that we can be positive or sure Martineau feminism Fought for women’s rights Spencer Social darwinism Evolutionary social change leads to progress Marx Class conflict Struggle between bourgeoise and proletariat Durkheim Mechanical and organic solidarity 4 types of suicide Societies exist because of broad consensus of members of a society Weber Verstehen Understanding social behavior by mentally putting yourself in the place of others
Chapter 2 Research Methods Part of a sociologists job is to ask how and why questions and then form a hypothesis to arrive at accurate understandings.
Two methods for acquiring data Quantitative – uses numerical data Qualitative – narrative and descriptive data
The survey is the most widely used research method among sociologists. Ideal for studying large groups 11
How are effective surveys conducted? Choose the right population (ex. All H.S. seniors in the U.S.) Draw a sample of that population Try to make the sample as accurate as possible (random sample)
How are representative samples selected? A representative sample is an accurate sample A random sample is the easiest way of obtaining a representative sample
How is survey information gathered? Either by giving a questionnaire or an interview
Closed ended surveys are the most effective. 1. What ice cream do you like 2. What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Mint, Pistachio
Using information that someone else has gathered 2. Secondary Analysis Using information that someone else has gathered Government Reports Voting List Company Records
Research that takes place in a natural setting 3. Field Research Research that takes place in a natural setting Example: Observing people in a mall
4. Participant Observation Research in which the person doing the observing becomes a member of the observation Example: Observing how the homeless live
What do you think is the most widely used research method for sociologists?