Competencies: defines what a concept paper is - CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19 comprehends various kinds of concept papers - CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-22 3. presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/ graphic aids- CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-24
The psychodynamic approach describes the creative process as a combination of two mental mechanisms, which Freud called primary and secondary processes; the first is archaic, illogical and is a function of the unconscious, while the second is a function of the awake mind and relies on common logic. The psychometric approach (Guilford, 1954; Plucker and Renzulli, 1999) uses the concept of divergent thinking (Baer, 1993; Runco, 1991) and assesses the quality of the creative process by testing such factors as fluency (or number of generated ideas), flexibility (the variety of perspectives represented by ideas), originality (statistical infrequency of ideas) and elaboration.
Associative theory treats creative thinking as the formation of "associative elements into new combinations which either meet special requirements or are in some way useful" (Mednick, 1962). Arthur Koestler (1964) introduced the term 'bisociation' to designate "any mental occurrence simultaneously associated with two habitually incomparable contexts" which he considered the essential mechanism of the creative process.
Example: What can words can you associate with these:
Creativity is the soul of human experience, It is what gives life to messages about products and services that may otherwise be boring or insignificant in the hearts and minds of target customers. (Dr. Kaldry, Creative Mind Center, Egypt) Creativity is make life exciting. It evokes healthy competition. And it is what makes us unique and different. Highest form of self-actualization. (A. Maslow, Humanist) People are not hired because they are intelligent. Getting perfect in scores is just an academic training. What will you be paid for is what you can contribute to the organization – Creative Mind ( Dr. Acar, STEC)
1. How will you describe a Rainbow to a blind child? 2. An astronaut who was in the moon for 30 years came back and ask you, What did I miss? What will you tell?
3 types of Academic Concept papers Research paper Advertising paper Grant Project
A creative concept is an overarching “Big Idea” that captures audience interest, influences their emotional response and inspires them to take action. It is a unifying theme that can be used across all campaign messages, calls to action, communication channels and audiences.
Typically, the creative concept is embodied in a headline, tagline and a key visual. Successful creative concepts are distinctive, memorable, unifying and relevant. Some examples include: Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign, the “Got Milk?” campaign and the Red Ribbon Campaign.
What are characteristics of a strong Advertising Concept? Creative concepts are based on the communication strategy and creative brief. This ensures that concepts are informed by a strong understanding of the situation, the audience, the channels that will be used, the objectives the campaign seeks to reach and the benefits the audience will respond to. The creative team develops multiple creative concepts based on this information and then concept tests them to determine which one resonates best with the audience.
Why Develop a Creative Concept? In today’s busy and constantly changing communication environment, social and behavior change communication (SBCC) must be creative and strategic to compete with commercial advertising and capture the audience’s attention. The creative concept shapes the core of the SBCC campaign, which helps create consistency across messages and materials. Developing creative concepts is also important because it allows the team to: 1. Test which benefit is most appealing to the audience 2. See how the campaign will work (or not) across multiple media channels 3. Identify an idea that ties the whole campaign together 4. Reach the audience more effectively by finding ‘big ideas’ that resonate with them
Elements of Creative Concept in Advertising? Different colors or fonts These are graphic design elements that will be developed in the executions (materials). This adds visual impact. Choose colors wisely that appeals to the audience. Different models Concepts typically use stock photography or rough illustrations to convey the general idea. Actions speaks louder than words. By choosing the picture that best represent the AD will bring success. Different informational messages or calls to action This is the Ad campaign/slogan. Words that portray meaning and send messages. Words are so powerful and convincing.
APPLICATION: There is a world crusade on medical and Engineering professionals. This is organized by United Nations Education searching for the best applicant in the field of Healthcare and Engineering. Consider yourself an applicant from Philippines and product of STEC. Create a page advertising campaign about yourself. What you can do and Offer. 1 Powerpoint slide is required. Refer to sample. Presentation next meeting.
A. Visual Impact colors, fonts– 30% B. Text and Message – 30% Criteria: A. Visual Impact colors, fonts– 30% B. Text and Message – 30% C. Presentation – 40%