MPG Spring-Summer Chinook


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Presentation transcript:

MPG Spring-Summer Chinook Adult abundance above LGR, SARs Natural production adult to smolt LGR adult counts Adult Tributary Data Juvenile Tributary Data Hatchery production SARs LGR-LGR Owyhee MPG Spring-Summer Chinook SARs LGR-BON Smolt Monitoring data Juvenile Mainstem Data Adult Mainstem Data Juvenile travel time and survival Harvest rivers Mouth of Columbia predicted returns rivers ocean ocean

Major Population Groups Spring- Summer Chinook IDFG redd surveys, juvenile emigration, smolt survival IDFG juvenile survivals Regional hatchery releases Adult PIT tagged data Adult Tributary Data Smolt PIT tagged data IDFG adult return above LGR, SARs SMP daily smolt fork lengths COE LGR annual adult counts Juvenile Tributary Data Major Population Groups Spring- Summer Chinook SMP Incidental catch species COE LGR daily adult counts SMP descaling CSS returning adult age composition SMP mortality SMP fish condition Number of smolts and returning adults by CSS study category SMP passage index, and catch data Adult Mainstem Data Juvenile Mainstem Data CSS SARs by study category SMP Multi-year reach survival and fish travel time rivers CSS Overall Annual SARs CSS reach survivals rivers CSS number of fish by site Harvest ocean ocean Mouth of Columbia predicted returns CSS SR, TIR and D

Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Red surveys LGR adult count ocean rivers SARs LGR-LGR Harvest Mouth of Columbia predicted return Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Hatchery releases Red surveys LGR adult count Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Adults Juveniles

Major Population Groups Steelhead

Redd Survey Data

Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Red surveys LGR adult count ocean rivers SARs LGR-LGR Harvest Mouth of Columbia predicted return Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Hatchery releases Red surveys LGR adult count Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Adults Juveniles

Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Red surveys LGR adult count ocean rivers SARs LGR-LGR Harvest Mouth of Columbia predicted return Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Hatchery releases Red surveys LGR adult count Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Adults Juveniles

Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Red surveys LGR adult count Hatchery releases Whitebird Trap Monitoring data SARs LGR-LGR Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Harvest rivers Mouth of Columbia predicted return rivers ocean ocean

Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Red surveys LGR adult count Hatchery releases Whitebird Trap Monitoring data SARs LGR-LGR Idaho Fish & Game Salmon Life Cycle Data Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Harvest rivers Mouth of Columbia predicted return rivers ocean ocean

Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Red surveys LGR adult count Hatchery releases Whitebird Trap Monitoring data SARs LGR-LGR Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Harvest rivers Mouth of Columbia predicted return rivers ocean ocean

Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Red surveys LGR adult count Hatchery releases Whitebird Trap Monitoring data SARs LGR-LGR Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Harvest rivers Mouth of Columbia predicted return rivers ocean ocean

Whitebird Trap Monitoring data Red surveys ocean rivers LGR adult count Hatchery releases Whitebird Trap Monitoring data SARs LGR-LGR Juvenile travel time and survival to LGR Harvest Mouth of Columbia predicted return

SARs LGR-LGR LGR adult count Harvest rivers rivers ocean ocean

SARs LGR-LGR LGR adult count Harvest rivers rivers ocean ocean