change ». « It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change ». Charles Darwin
User story is an cloud application that will automate PRINCE2, the project management framework. In the web application, you can create documents (cfr printscreen). The user should be able to CRU the web documents in a word document.
Step 1: test: Webpage get content from Application server Backend Server: Productdescription.json
Productdescription.json {"ProjectId":1156,"Identifier":"00003","Title":"Venue","Purpose":"<p>This defines the purpose that the product will fulfill and who will use it. Is it a means to an end or an end in it, size, quality, complexity, robustness etc. self? It is helpful in understanding the product's functions <br/></p>","Composition":"<p>This is a list of the parts of the product. For example, if the product were a report, this would be a list of the expected chapters or sections<br/></p>","Derivation":"<p>A design is derived from a specification A product is bought in from a supplier A statement of the expected benefits are obtained from the user A product is obtained from another department or team<br/></p>","FormatPresentation":"<p>The characteristics of the product - for example, if the product were a report, this would specify whether the report should be a document, presentation slides or an email<br/></p>","DevSkills":"<p>An indication of the skills required to develop the product or a pointer to which area(s) should supply the development resources. Identification of the actual people may be left until planning the stage in which the product is to be created<br/></p>","QualityCriteria":[{"QualityCriteriaId":12,"Criteria":"<p>Q1<br/></p>","Tolerance":"<p>T1<br/></p>","Method":"<p> M1<br/></p>","Skills":"<p>S1<br/></p>"},{"QualityCriteriaId":13,"Criteria":"<p>Q2<br/></p>","Tolerance":"<p>T2<br/></p>","Method": "<p>M2<br/></p>","Skills":"<p>S2<br/></p>"}],"QualityResponsibility":{"Producer":"Emiel Vanhaesebrouck","Reviewers":"<p>Product Reviewer(s) </p><p>Product Reviewer(s) <br/></p>","Approvers":"<p>Product Approver(s)</p><p>Product Approver(s)</p><p>Product Approver(s)<br/></p>"},"ItemType":0,"ItemId":null,"Version":0.00,"WorkflowStatus":[{"StateId":0,"State":"New"},{"StateId":1,"State":"Dr aft"},{"StateId":2,"State":"Approval"},{"StateId":3,"State":"Version"}],"SelectedWorkflowStatus":0,"Categories":[{"StateId":0,"State":"Inte rnal Product"},{"StateId":1,"State":"External Product"}],"SelectedCategory":0,"ToleranceStatus":[{"StateId":0,"State":"Within Tolerance"},{"StateId":1,"State":"Tolerance Limit"},{"StateId":2,"State":"Out of Tolerance"}],"SelectedToleranceStatus":0}
Step 2: Word app: get content from Webserver Function getProductDescription ( Word app Backend Server: app.showNotification(‘fail’) Result : the word app doesn’t retrieve the info.
Next Steps Question1 : what went wrong? Question2 : how can I debug the fail?
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