SV4 Models System Functions using the Data Flow Diagram SV4 models the system functions and the data flows between them The data flows means the actual data ie made up of data elements or structures as modelled in the OV7/SV11. Both the system function and the data flow have an attribute of the type ‘Minispec’ System Functions are linked with the Operational Activities (via the SV5), they are grouped into System Nodes (SV1). System Architect provides a matrix that links System functions with Standards – This is a useful relationship. Apr 2006 DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow
DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow SV4 Data Flow Example Data Flows from an external sources System Function Data Flow Data Store Data Flow to an external source Apr 2006 DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow
DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow CRUD verbs used here. CRUD verbs are not used here. CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, Delete Apr 2006 DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow
DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow SV1 System Node relationship made using the System Function to System Node Matrix . TV1 standards relationship made using the System Function to Standard Matrix . Apr 2006 DoD EA Dip Cse - SV4 Data Flow