CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 CZ Info Day on Call for Strategic Projects Prague, 4 August 2010 Approach of the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme to the Strategic Projects and project concepts Monika SCHÖNERKLEE-GRASSER JTS CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Content The CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Approach to strategic projects Project concepts Partner requirements and selection
1. The CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 8 EU countries 1 third country Surface: Around 1,050,000 km² Population: Around 148 million citizens 4 Programme Priorities: Innovation Accessibility Environment Competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions
1. The CENTRAL EUROPE Programme State of the art of the Programme 3 Calls for Proposals already launched and 66 projects approved for funding: 1st Call: 29 projects 2nd Call: 37 projects 3rd Call: currently under assessment (136 applications received) ~ 60% of the total ERDF Programme budget already allocated (around 139 M€ ERDF) Expected allocation of around 60 M€ ERDF for the 3rd Call
1. The CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Provisional allocation of funds
2. Approach to strategic projects The top-down approach Indicative ERDF funds allocation: up to 20 M€ Strategic projects will be identified through the implementation of a different methodology and approach compared to the standard call: Pre-identification of partners at national level Pre-identification of topics and project concepts Top-down approach
2. Approach to strategic projects 1st key element: Contents/topics of the Strategic Projects Project contents are pre-identified by the Member States in order to solve problems of strategic relevance within the CE Programme area (and beyond): Common problems (analysis) Identification of strategic topics Definition of strategic concepts Implementation of strategic projects
2. Approach to strategic projects 2nd key element: Partners Project partners are pre-selected at national level, in order to identify the most suitable and ideal partners for the strategic projects: Relevant and competent for the development, implementation and dissemination of planned outputs and results; Able to reach the relevant stakeholders addressed by the project in order to ensure the durability of the planned results.
2. Approach to strategic projects STRATEGIC PROJECTS - the process Project topics (2nd half 2009) Project concepts (spring 2010) Step 1:Identification of partners (Call for EoI: July 12–September 17, 2010) MC approval of pre-selected partners (October 2010) Step 2: Submission of Proposals (November 2010) MC approval of projects (Early 2011)
3. Strategic project concepts The 7 project concepts (Annex 1 of the Call Announcement) Priority Concepts 1 1. Boosting innovation through new cluster concepts in support of emerging issues and cross-sectoral themes 2 2. Upgrading of Inland Waterway and Sea Ports (INWAPO) 3. Railway Hub Cities and TEN-T network (RAILHUC) 3 4. Introduction of Regional Energy Concepts 5. Demonstration of Energy Efficiency and Utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources through Public Buildings 4 Innovative housing and care solutions for the elderly and vulnerable persons in Central European cities Improved governance and management of infrastructures and services in regions and cities affected by demographic change
3. Strategic project concepts Structure of the project concepts (chapters) Transnational relevance to the Programme and to all the 8 EU Member States participating in the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Objectives and scope Technical content/short work plan overview to be developed within 36 months Profile of the ideal partners to be involved in the project (provision of the characteristics of the partners, institutional role, competencies, internal capacity, know-how, etc) Presence of transnational investments (not compulsory) Identification of the main outputs and results Sustainability in the CENTRAL EUROPE area Indicative total budget for the implementation of the project proposal
3. Project concepts Objectives and scope of the concepts are in line with Programme objectives at the level of the relevant Priorities; Work plans have to be fully developed during the application process; Outputs and results as indicated refer to the main expected project outcomes and are regarded as minimum requirements to be reached, additional outputs/results can also be foreseen; The proposed budgets are indicative and have to be further defined/developed on a “real cost” basis during the application process. Partner characteristics/requirements (see chapter 4 of each project concept) are binding!
4. Partner Requirements and Selection Eligible financing partners: Located in the entire CE Programme area National, regional and local public authorities Public equivalent bodies Private institutions Associated institutions: Located both in the entire EU area and in Third countries + International organisations Participation of at least one institution/body from each of the 8 EU CENTRAL EUROPE countries in each project Financing partners shall come from at least 6 CENTRAL EUROPE countries Same institution or the same department/functional unit can participate in maximum 2 Strategic Projects
4. Partner Requirements and Selection Assessment of partners at national level in accordance with Partner characteristics included in each project concept (Annex 1) Partner quality criteria Representativeness Transnational dimension Capacity of awareness raising and spreading of achievements Partnership development will start only after MC decision on partner selection
4. Partner Requirements and Selection Submission of EOI: Fully filled in (English) Signed by duly authorised person Sent to National Contact points (in case of int. organisations and partners outside the Programme area to be sent to JTS) Deadline for receipt of EoI: 17 September 2010, 12:00 a.m.
CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Sources of information Main Programme documents Operational Programme Application Manual 3rd call Application package - Step 1 Announcement of the restricted call for Strategic Projects (including annexes); Expression of Interest