A new Privacy Policy for the University of Pennsylvania Libraries Jacob Levernier, PhD CLIR Bollinger Postdoctoral Fellow in Library Innovation University of Pennsylvania Libraries
Trust depends on values.
Trust depends on context.
Trust doesn’t necessarily imply safety.
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation - Right to be forgotten.
Describing the project What is the purpose of the research / analyses? What analyses / types of analyses are planned on these data? Describing the data What are the sources of the data? (E.g., if we are combining several datasets, where are each of them from?) Are these data available to organizations outside of the library’s control? What privacy-related risks and concerns do we foresee with these data? What methods will we use to address each of these concerns? Project management Who is responsible for managing the data? Who will ensure that the data management plan is carried out? Does a funder have its own data management requirements? If so, what are they? Output Will this research be published in a journal that requires the underlying data to accompany articles? If yes, will the data be able to be ethically published?