Engineering Drafting and Design Course Outline: Classroom Policy
Attendance All classes and labs will start on time. Attendance will be taken during each class or lab session. Attendance in labs and lectures is required. Excessive absences result in poor classroom performance, low grades, and possible failure.
Attendance When absence is due to illness or other uncontrollable causes, the student should notify the instructor to make arrangements for the completion of assignments. The student is responsible for all material covered in the class that he/she was absent. The student should arrange to meet with the instructor during the instructor’s office hours to review the material and assignments that was presented in class.
General Any student needing special arrangement due to a disability should discuss these needs with the instructor at the beginning of the semester and request serviced from the Supportive Services Center if necessary. Students are required to bring textbooks, notebooks, handouts, disks, special tools, equipment, materials, etc., to each class unless told otherwise.
Assignments Assignments are to be turned in on the dates designated. Late assignments will be penalized one letter grade for each class the assignment was late. Any student having difficulty completing an assignment should contact the instructor for help. An assignment not turned in will result in an automatic zero for that assignment grade. The instructor has the right to refuse an assignment if the assignment is not completed to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Assignments Definition of DO – verb (used with object) 1. to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.): Do nothing until you hear the bell. 2. to execute (a piece or amount of work): to do a hauling job. 3. to accomplish; finish; complete: He has already done his homework. Definition of DUE - adjective having reached the date at which payment is required : payable <the rent is due> required or expected in the prescribed, normal, or logical course of events: scheduled <the train is due at noon>
Disruptive Behavior Dishonest work on examinations or assigned work is a serious offense. Students caught cheating on exams or assignments will be taken to the Dean of Students for appropriate disciplinary action. Disruptive behavior or abusive language during class time is not permitted will not be tolerated. Cell phones are considered disruptive behavior. Place your cell phones on vibrate and take all calls outside the classroom area.
Grading The grading scale and the computation of final grades will vary from course to course. The method of computing the final grade for this course can be found on the "Course Outline" handout and will be explained in detail the first day of class. Meaning of grades A -Superior B -Above Average C -Average D -Below Average F -Failure
Time Management Where does time go? (Click on the logo)