Workshop for ACT – IAC, EA-SIG Mr. David McDaniel (ctr) 20 July 2012 History of DoDAF to 2.02 Workshop for ACT – IAC, EA-SIG Mr. David McDaniel (ctr) 20 July 2012
Overall architecture framework convergence vision DoDAF v1.5 1995 C4ISR F/W v1.0 v2.0 UAF v2.05 2003 2007 JCIDS & NR-KPP Applicability beyond C4ISR Use-based Integrated Architecture 2009 2010 2012 2014 v2.01 v2.02 v2.03 DoDAF/DNDAF v2.04 1997 2016 2013 Joint Interoperability DoDAF v1.0 C4ISR F/W v2.0 Net-centricity and SoA SvcV views 26 AV/OV/SV/TV views Linked to I&S policies CADM 2.0 Fit-for-purpose Data-centric architecture Improved models of systems, services, capabilities, rules, measures DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) based on IDEAS Urgent CRs 52 1 XSD IDEAS Foundation v1.0 fixes TECHEDITS DM2 OWL Federal Common Approach DNDAF Security Views MODEM – DM2 Harmonization (IDEAS Domain Level) NATO NAF UDAF Standardization, e.g., ISO OMG OASIS Framework Objective: Achieve a single integrated Architecture Framework for interoperability. Achieve a US, Canada, and United Kingdom single Framework with a common Data Meta Model Achieve alignment with the US Government Common Approach to Enterprise Architecture 19 June 2012 2 2
DoDAF 2 Was Designed to Support DoD’s 6 Core Processes OPS DAS SE CPM JCIDS PPBE Operations (OPS) Joint Capability Integration Development System (JCIDS) Defense Acquisition (DAS) Systems Engineering (SE) Capability Portfolio Management (CPM) Programming Planning and Budget Execution (PPBE) DoDAF 2.0 is designed to support the key processes of the Department of Defense (DoD): 1) Capabilities Development and Integration, 2) Budgeting, 3) Acquisition, 4) Systems Engineering, 5) Portfolio Management, and 6) Operations Planning. It is required to support those for both the Warfighting Mission Areas and Business Mission Areas:
Short Descriptions Operations (OPS) Combatant Command CONOPS Standing communications and operations plans (COMPLAN, O-PLANs) These describe networks, systems, organization, activities, equipment allocation, etc., Joint Capability Integration Development System (JCIDS) Focal point for DoD service chiefs to prioritize needs, shortfalls, and gaps Tightly coupled with DAS and PPBE processes Defense Acquisition System (DAS) Approval process for all acquisitions Milestones reviews Four acquisition categories ~ $ value Architecture data assists go/no-go/contingent decisions Systems Engineering (SE) Technical execution of an acquisitions All programs in the acquisition process must have a Systems Engineering Plan The developed system engineering documents and specifications should flow from and be consistent with the architecture Capability Portfolio Management (CPM) Process for managing $’s by required capabilities Architecture models link investments to the desired effects, tasks, and conditions of capabilities Programming Planning and Budget Execution (PPBE) Annual 5-year budget proposal to Congress Each DoD component develops one and then consolidated by White House to go to Congress Architecture models are used to determine interconnected impacts and to justify the $ request Related to Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) OPS DAS SE CPM JCIDS PPBE DoDAF 2.0 is designed to support the key processes of the Department of Defense (DoD): 1) Capabilities Development and Integration, 2) Budgeting, 3) Acquisition, 4) Systems Engineering, 5) Portfolio Management, and 6) Operations Planning. It is required to support those for both the Warfighting Mission Areas and Business Mission Areas:
The Processes are Intertwined JCIDS DAS PPBE
… and asynchronous and multi-organizational Periodic (annual): PPBE CPM DoD PPBE CPM White House Military Staff HQ (JCS) JCIDS Combatant Commands Doctrine Commands Training Commands Legend: BES — Budget Estimate Submission COCOM — Combatant Commander CPA — Chairman’s Program Assessment DAWG — Deputies Advisory Working Group FYDP — Future Years Defense Program MBI — Major Budget Issues Program ManagerPB — President’s Budget PEO/PM — Program Executive Officer/Program Manager POM — Program Objectives Memorandum RMDs — Resource Management Decisions Event Driven: JCIDS DAS SE OPS Presidential Cabinet Civilians OPS DAS SE Acquisition Organizations
DoDAF 2.0 Provides the Specification and Guidance to Support the Core Processes with Architectures OPS JCIDS DAS SE CPM PPBE Process Supported Views Data Ontology Specifies: An underlying DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) for describing architectures A set of legacy models (products) that depict some subset of architecture data Provides guidance for: Architectural description development “Fit For Purpose” (FFP) views that optimize Return On Investment (ROI) for the process being supported data conforming to the DM2 FFP-based presentation of data FFP Legacy Capabilities Resource Flows Projects Performers Services Reification Rules Pedigree Locations