Miami County FREE ENERGY Leib Lurie Jake Schlacter
Why are we here? To create a program that will use stimulus $$ to… Create 500 jobs in Miami County Cut Energy Bill for residents Help keep more people in their homes Reduce Carbon Emissions HOW? By Weatherizing 100 homes per week, 50,000 over five years Then: Pay back government stimulus money- a hand up, not a hand out.
For Workers in Miami County Create good jobs weatherizing homes Create more jobs when we source material for weatherizing homes Create more jobs with multiplier effect Each job created, generates 2-4 more jobs from the money spent by the first employee! Create even more jobs by keeping fossil fuel savings here at home
For Homeowners and Tenants Weatherizing Cuts your energy bill Weatherizing Reduces your monthly housing costs Weatherizing Puts $25 more in your pocket every month Weatherizing Eliminates your Up-Front Expenses Solves the renter / landlord divide by letting the renter pay for weatherization from their savings.
How We Hope to Do This Start a Public/Private Partnership Build Infrastructure, people, systems, and processes to do high volume, low cost weatherization program Build momentum with you here tonight
For Each Home Audit homes Weatherize! Payback Check energy usage and weatherization in place Determine best ways to cut energy costs Start with low cost, high payback items, then ‘move up’ $ = Caulk, weather stripping, clock thermostat $$ = attic, crawl space insulation $$$= wall insulation, appliance changes Weatherize! Do the work fast! – with efficient teams Payback Set monthly payback for ½ of monthly savings We hope to get payback on utility bill for simplicity Payback weatherization in 24-36 months
FROM RESIDENT’S VIEW… Monthly IMMEDIATE energy savings $50.00 We weatherize to get IMMEDIATE savings in first month, and every month $500 in weatherization work, Paid at $25.00 per month… Will – for most homes- save $50 per month Monthly IMMEDIATE energy savings $50.00 Monthly weatherization costs $25.00 Monthly NET savings ANNUAL SAVINGS $300.00
Troy Home Summary
Green is a plus… Energy Savings cuts CO2 $300 in energy savings = 10 TONS of CO2 per year 10 Tons of CO2 = 1 SUV off the road 10 Tons of CO2 = 4 mature Maple trees
Jobs Created from weather work Value of work done - per home $300.00 Jobs would pay average $15.00 per hour And we would use 20 hours per home For a total of 2,000 job hours per week To create 50 Full Time Jobs
MORE Jobs Created from purchasing weatherization material Material value per home $200.00 Materials purchased per month $80,000.00 Percentage of materials=local labor 20% Local Labor value / month $16,000.00 Jobs created from material purchases 6.7
Total JOBS CREATED FROM EFFICIENCY WORK Construction Jobs Created 50 Material Jobs Created 6.7 Job Multiplier (each job pays for others) 2.5 TOTAL JOBS CREATED with Multiplier 125 Value added to Miami County/year from weatherization work… $3,900,000.00 CASH INTO COUNTY from Jobs Created as we do the work
PLUS… Value of ENERGY CASH Energy Savings available to spend -1st year $1,560,000.00 That cash, spent in County = even more jobs 52 And THOSE Jobs have a multiplier too, of at least: 2.0 Adding THE VALUE of THESE jobs -1st Year 104 Year 2 208 Year 3 312 Year 4 - we double to 200 homes/year 520 Year 5 728 PLUS Construction jobs= 125 GRAND TOTAL 5 Year JOBS ADDED IN COUNTY 853
Weatherization - BOTTOM LINE EVERY Resident can save TWICE what weatherization costs each and every month Use Stimulus to put $16 million per year into County economy & pay back every penny Create 150 jobs from weatherization immediately Create 500 jobs from energy savings Reduce carbon output equivalent to 50,000 SUV’s Other ideas and benefits?
Next Steps Break up into groups and let’s brainstorm! For this part… use easel pads… What would “A GREAT Program” Look like? What challenges are in the way? Then we’ll share all ideas Then we’ll draw for 5 FREE weatherization's! Ideas? Thoughts? Volunteers? Go to www.MiamiCountyFreeEnergy.Org Email Or call 937-875-0385