Physical Education Advocacy Bethany Kolman Tammie Fick
Why P.E. ? Exercise Have Fun Stimulate the mind Lifelong Fitness Lose Weight Socialize
How many P.E. standards are there? 2 4 6 8
Physical Education Standards 1. Motor Skills 2. Cognitive skills 3. Participation 4. Physical Fitness Skills 5. Exhibits Responsible Behavior 6. Values Physical Activity
How do the standards break by grade level? 3-5 6-8 9-12
What’s new in P.E.? Bethany Kolman-Intern Pedometer Program Genius Hour Fitness/Cardio Rooms; 5 Components of Fitness K-2 standards grading
How the P.E. program has helped our Students K-3: From 2 days to 5 days; grades separated; 3rd/6th taught at the same time. 4-5: From 2 days to 4 days of the 6 day rotation High School: 2 P.E. classes and personal fitness; elementary taught at same time.
A week in the life of a P.E. teacher and intern 3 4-5 6-8 High School Monday Hop/tag Throw/FB Cardio room Coneball Speedball Tuesday Exercise ball Throw-FB Kickball Wednesday Jump/tag Kick-FB Weights Thursday Dodgeball Friday Stations
Top 20 Above The Line (effective): Teamwork Sportsmanship Participation Respect In Control Positive Below the line (ineffective): Bad sport Not using team Off task Disrespect Negative Out of control