School Counseling Council PREPARATION for Discussion 1 2.5 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI Redesigning School Counseling School Counseling Council PREPARATION for Discussion 1 PROGRAM GOALS Sue Reynolds President InSAI’s Redesigning School Counseling resources may be used to help schools create their application portfolio for the Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award sponsored by the Indiana Department of Education. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Your school is participating in REDESIGNING SCHOOL COUNSELING (RSC) Proven, Data-Driven Program Design Process Increased Student Achievement
School Counseling Council Member THANK YOU!
American Student Achievement Institute Introduction American Student Achievement Institute Non-profit: 501(c)3, founded in 2000 Location: Bloomington, IN Mission: To raise student achievement and close achievement gaps Our Work: Enable local leadership teams to engage in data-driven strategic planning, program implementation & evaluation Initiatives: Redesigning School Counseling School Improvement Institute College Success: Community Network Reaching Them All: Advisor-Advisee 2017: Serving 194 leadership teams across the country Sue Reynolds Indiana Public Schools Teacher / Counselor ISCA Executive Director ASCA Governing Board National HS Counselor of the Year ------------------------ Indiana Department of Education School Counseling Consultant School Counseling Standards Gold Star School Counseling Indiana Career Pathways Indiana Advisor-Advisee ------------------------- American Student Achievement Inst. Founder 1996 President Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Video Outline RSC Intro Proven Process Terminology Foundational Beliefs Rationale Organizational Structure Planning Process Lilly Endowment Support Prep for Discussion 1: GOALS Intro to RSC Goal Setting Pre-Discussion Task: Student Survey Data Review The amount of time needed to resign your school counseling program depends on how quickly you wish to progress through the RSC process. Many schools complete the process in one year by holding Advisory Council meetings once a month. Other schools decide to conduct meetings every other month and complete the process at the end of two years. The pace you decide to take depends on your starting point and the amount of energy and time you have available for this initiative. It is perfectly acceptable to start on the one-year plan and later switch to a two-year or even a three-year plan. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Redesigning School Counseling INTRO So why is college so important?
program design process RSC is a PROVEN program design process
presented by the Indiana Department of Education. The school counseling portfolio designed through the Redesigning School Counseling process meets all the ASCA national model components and may be submitted to the American School Counselor Association for the Recognized ASCA Model Program or RAMP award. The portfolio also meets all of the Indiana Program Standards for School Counseling and may be submitted to the Indiana Department of Education for the Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award. 197 schools have used the free RSC Online System to earn the Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award presented by the Indiana Department of Education. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
ASCA RAMP PROVEN Professional Development Model 197 ASCA RAMP PROVEN Professional Development Model 197 Indiana schools qualify for the prestigious ASCA Recognized Model Program award (129 applied)
Indiana Chamber of Commerce Foundation . . . “ One of the brightest spots on the Indiana school counseling landscape is the Gold Star School Counseling Program which continues to expand across the state.” 203 Indiana schools used RSC to earn the Gold Star award. “ The [RSC] program . . . provides a consistent and comprehensive process for schools to examine, organize and redesign their school counseling efforts based on student goals and outcomes.”
Independent research conducted by the University of Connecticut and University of Scranton, and published by ASCA, shows that RSC / Gold Star schools have significantly higher proficiency rates on state math and language arts tests.
School Counseling Activities Guidance activities Counseling activities Advocacy activities Management activities ------------------------ Non-program activities So why is college so important?
Types of Activities GUIDANCE COUNSELING Activities that enable all students to: 1) Learn information and skills in 3 areas: Career Academic Personal/social Master guidance indicators 2) Use that information to make sound choices COUNSELING Activities that help some students address personal and/or social problems that are interfering with learning. SCRIPT: Guidance and counseling are direct services. Guidance is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). The emphasis in this definition is ALL students. Every student can use help in their development. Counseling, on the other hand is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). Counseling is not for all students. Counseling is the help that some students need in order to address personal and/or social problems that interfere with learning. In most schools, 100% of the students will report they could use guidance in various ways, while about 20% will report that they could use help with addressing a personal or social problem that is interfering with learning. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Types of Activities ADVOCACY MANAGEMENT Activities that: Support environ-mental changes to meet the needs of all students or a group of students 2) Support the needs of an individual student. MANAGEMENT Activities that: That enable the school counseling program to run smoothly and efficiently. SCRIPT: Guidance and counseling are direct services. Guidance is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). The emphasis in this definition is ALL students. Every student can use help in their development. Counseling, on the other hand is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). Counseling is not for all students. Counseling is the help that some students need in order to address personal and/or social problems that interfere with learning. In most schools, 100% of the students will report they could use guidance in various ways, while about 20% will report that they could use help with addressing a personal or social problem that is interfering with learning. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Common Management Activities Program Development Visioning Needs assessment Resource development Activity development Materials development Professional Development Conferences Workshops Seminars Graduate courses Professional reading Networking School Improvement Team Teachers / administrators Parents Community agencies Community businesses Evaluation Student evaluation Choices Guidance indicators Counseling goals Program evaluation Counselor evaluation SCRIPT: School counselors engage in four types of activities as they manage their school counseling program: Program development, personal development, networking and evaluation. Please keep in mind that these activities support the school counseling program specifically and not the school in general. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Types of Activities NON-PROGRAM Activities that do not: Help students gain knowledge and skills that will help them make sound career, academic and/or personal-social choices 2) Help students address a personal-social issue that is interfering with learning SCRIPT: Guidance and counseling are direct services. Guidance is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). The emphasis in this definition is ALL students. Every student can use help in their development. Counseling, on the other hand is . . . (refer to definition on the slide). Counseling is not for all students. Counseling is the help that some students need in order to address personal and/or social problems that interfere with learning. In most schools, 100% of the students will report they could use guidance in various ways, while about 20% will report that they could use help with addressing a personal or social problem that is interfering with learning. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Common Non-Program Activities ADMINISTRATION State Testing State Reports Special Education Gifted & Talented Book Rental Substitute Teaching Attendance RECORDS Report Cards Transcripts Grade Point Averages Class Ranks Honor Rolls SCHEDULING Master Scheduling Balancing Class Loads OTHER Awards Graduation Discipline SCRIPT: Most non-program tasks tend to fall within these areas: 1) program administration, 2) record keeping, and 3) master scheduling. However, some non-program activities do not fall within those three areas. Each of tasks listed on this slide is important for the school to function. However, when counselors perform these tasks, they have less time to provide guidance, counseling and advocacy for students. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Apprenticeship Program Career Training in the Military “COLLEGE” 4-year College 2-year College Career College Apprenticeship Program Career Training in the Military
sound choices academic success. School counseling programs impact academic achievement by helping students make sound choices in areas that impact academic success. So why is college so important?
School Counseling Impact Pyramid Achievement STUDENT CHOICES Let’s start by reviewing the School Counseling Impact Pyramid. RSC is based on the premise that school counselors impact (click) student achievement by helping students make (click) sound choices in areas that impact achievement such as choosing to come to school, choosing to enroll in rigorous courses, and choosing to complete homework. Counselors help students make sound choices by (click) providing guidance lessons in the areas of academic, career and personal-social development, and (click) providing counseling for students who have a person or social problem that is interfering with learning. Guidance Counseling
School Counseling Impact Pyramid Achievement STUDENT CHOICES Let’s start by reviewing the School Counseling Impact Pyramid. RSC is based on the premise that school counselors impact (click) student achievement by helping students make (click) sound choices in areas that impact achievement such as choosing to come to school, choosing to enroll in rigorous courses, and choosing to complete homework. Counselors help students make sound choices by (click) providing guidance lessons in the areas of academic, career and personal-social development, and (click) providing counseling for students who have a person or social problem that is interfering with learning. Guidance Counseling
Guidance Counseling Achievement School Counseling Focus Guidance Counseling Achievement STUDENT CHOICES Let’s start by reviewing the School Counseling Impact Pyramid. RSC is based on the premise that school counselors impact (click) student achievement by helping students make (click) sound choices in areas that impact achievement such as choosing to come to school, choosing to enroll in rigorous courses, and choosing to complete homework. Counselors help students make sound choices by (click) providing guidance lessons in the areas of academic, career and personal-social development, and (click) providing counseling for students who have a person or social problem that is interfering with learning.
Raising student achievement helps students.
Estimated Cumulative Full-Time Earnings (in 2014 Dollars) Net of Forgone Earnings and Payment for Tuition and Fees and Books and Supplies, by Education Level SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.2A
Unemployment Rates of Individuals Age 25 and Older, by Education Level, 1995 to 2015 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.12A
Employer-Provided Retirement Plan Coverage Among Full-Time Year-Round Workers Age 25 and Older, by Sector and Education Level, 2015 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.13
Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage Among Full-Time Year-Round Workers Age 25 and Older, by Education Level, 1995, 2005, and 2015 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.14A
Percentage of Individuals Age 25 and Older Living in Households that Participated in Various Public Assistance Programs, by Education Level, 2015 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.17
Smoking Rates Among Individuals Age 25 and Older, by Education Level, 1940 to 2014 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.18A
Exercise Rates Among Individuals Age 25 and Older, by Age and Education Level, 2014 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.19A
Obesity Rates Among Adults Age 25 and Older, by Gender and Education Level, 1988–1994 and 2011–2014 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.20A
K-5 students Participating in Activities with a family member the Past Month, by Parents’ Education Level, 2012 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.21B
Percentage of Individuals Age 25 and Older Who Volunteered, by Education Level and Gender, 2015 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.22A
Voting Rates Among U.S. Citizens During Presidential Elections, by Education Level, 1964 to 2012 SOURCE: The College Board, Education Pays 2016, Figure 2.23B
is good for your community’s Raising achievement is good for your community’s economic development.
Pew Research Center – October 2016 State of American Jobs Pew Research Center – October 2016
U.S. Job Openings at Record High, Skills Mismatch Emerging Reuters – September 2016 "There are millions of jobs going begging right now in what has got to be one of the biggest mismatches between skills and lack of qualified help available in the nation's history." Chris Rupkey Chief Economist MUFG Union Bank in New York
2015 International Math Ranking TIMSS: Trends in International Math and Science Study Administered every 4 years since 1995. MATH 4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade Participants 49 39 9 Top 3 Singapore Hong Kong CHN Korea Taipei CHN Russian Fed Lebanon USA 11 3 © American Student Achievement Institute Businesses may also be interested in increasing the percentage of those with a college degree. In today’s global economy, businesses can send work tasks anywhere in the world. When deciding where to send low-skill tasks, companies tend to primarily consider employee wages. For that reason, many low-skill tasks are sent to countries like China and India where the average manufacturing wage is less than $1.00 per hour. However, when considering high-skill tasks, companies consider the creativity-level and skill-level of the country’s workforce in addition to wage. The U.S. is recognized around the world for having a creative workforce. However, schools in India and China are beginning to add components to their curriculum to address creativity. In terms of preparing a skilled workforce, U.S. schools are falling behind schools in India and China that exist in a culture hungry for education and where not all students are educated. Indiana is addressing this problem by increasing academic rigor in grades K-12 and by implementing programs to increase college access and success such as the College Success Coalition.
2015 International Science Ranking TIMSS: Trends in International Math and Science Study Administered every 4 years since 1995. SCIENCE PHYSICS 4th Grade 8th Grade 12th Grade Participants 49 39 9 Top 3 Singapore Korea Japan Taipei CHN Lebanon USA Russian Fed 8 2 © American Student Achievement Institute Businesses may also be interested in increasing the percentage of those with a college degree. In today’s global economy, businesses can send work tasks anywhere in the world. When deciding where to send low-skill tasks, companies tend to primarily consider employee wages. For that reason, many low-skill tasks are sent to countries like China and India where the average manufacturing wage is less than $1.00 per hour. However, when considering high-skill tasks, companies consider the creativity-level and skill-level of the country’s workforce in addition to wage. The U.S. is recognized around the world for having a creative workforce. However, schools in India and China are beginning to add components to their curriculum to address creativity. In terms of preparing a skilled workforce, U.S. schools are falling behind schools in India and China that exist in a culture hungry for education and where not all students are educated. Indiana is addressing this problem by increasing academic rigor in grades K-12 and by implementing programs to increase college access and success such as the College Success Coalition.
RSC Steering Team Redesigning School Counseling Before setting goals at meeting 6, your Advisory Council will bring all possible focus areas to the table. This will occur during meetings 3 and 4 so all ideas can be considered before estalishing your goals.
Steering Team TASK DELEGATION Data Collection Council Recruitment & Communication Council Meeting Facilitation & Minutes Program & Activity Exploration Online System Entry
School Counseling Council Before setting goals at meeting 6, your Advisory Council will bring all possible focus areas to the table. This will occur during meetings 3 and 4 so all ideas can be considered before estalishing your goals.
School Counseling Council NOW Tasks Complete 3 pre-discussion tasks Participate in 3 guided discussions School counseling champions 2. Council Members Teachers Students Parents Community stakeholder groups -------------------- LATER (optional) School Counseling Partners – Implement classroom-based or community-based guidance / counseling activities to reinforce and build upon the activities at school So why is college so important?
RSC 2017 Program Planning Process JANUARY Getting Ready VISION 1a Steering Team 1b School Counseling Council 1c Data Collection 2c Priority Goals 2b Expand Resources 2a Program Goals SCRIPT: At meeting five, the Advisory Council analyzes resource data (time, materials, funding) and creates a plan for obtaining additional resources if needed. If the Advisory Council is able to increase the amount of resources available (especially time), the counselors will be able to address more of the priorities identified at meetings 3 and 4. 3 Root Causes Activity Research 4 Delivery Models Activities 5 Preparation 4-Yr Implement. Plan 4-Yr Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
RSC 2017 Program Planning Process Council Discussion 1 - GOALS FEBRUARY Council Discussion 1 - GOALS VISION 1a Steering Team 1b School Counseling Council 1c Data Collection 2c Priority Goals 2b Expand Resources 2a Program Goals SCRIPT: At meeting five, the Advisory Council analyzes resource data (time, materials, funding) and creates a plan for obtaining additional resources if needed. If the Advisory Council is able to increase the amount of resources available (especially time), the counselors will be able to address more of the priorities identified at meetings 3 and 4. 3 Root Causes Activity Research 4 Delivery Models Activities 5 Preparation 4-Yr Implement. Plan 4-Yr Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
RSC 2017 Program Planning Process Council Discussion 2 – ROOT CAUSES MARCH Council Discussion 2 – ROOT CAUSES VISION 1a Steering Team 1b School Counseling Council 1c Data Collection 2c Priority Goals 2b Expand Resources 2a Program Goals SCRIPT: At meeting five, the Advisory Council analyzes resource data (time, materials, funding) and creates a plan for obtaining additional resources if needed. If the Advisory Council is able to increase the amount of resources available (especially time), the counselors will be able to address more of the priorities identified at meetings 3 and 4. 3 Root Causes Activity Research 4 Delivery Models Activities 5 Preparation 4-Yr Implement. Plan 4-Yr Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
RSC 2017 Program Planning Process Council Discussion 3 - ACTIVITIES APRIL Council Discussion 3 - ACTIVITIES VISION 1a Steering Team 1b School Counseling Council 1c Data Collection 2c Priority Goals 2b Expand Resources 2a Program Goals SCRIPT: At meeting five, the Advisory Council analyzes resource data (time, materials, funding) and creates a plan for obtaining additional resources if needed. If the Advisory Council is able to increase the amount of resources available (especially time), the counselors will be able to address more of the priorities identified at meetings 3 and 4. 3 Root Causes Activity Research 4 Delivery Models Activities 5 Preparation 4-Yr Implement. Plan 4-Yr Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
RSC 2017 Program Planning Process MAY Preparation VISION 1a Steering Team 1b School Counseling Council 1c Data Collection 2c Priority Goals 2b Expand Resources 2a Program Goals SCRIPT: At meeting five, the Advisory Council analyzes resource data (time, materials, funding) and creates a plan for obtaining additional resources if needed. If the Advisory Council is able to increase the amount of resources available (especially time), the counselors will be able to address more of the priorities identified at meetings 3 and 4. 3 Root Causes Activity Research 4 Delivery Models Activities 5 Preparation 4-Yr Implement. Plan 4-Yr Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Financial Support From LILLY ENDOWMENT
Will we be applying for the Lilly Counseling Initiative – Implementation Grant Period: October 1, 2017 – June 30, 2021 Purpose: To enable districts to implement the comprehensive school counseling program that they designed during the planning phase: TIME – PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT TIME – IMPLEMENTER TRAINING TIME – PROGRAM EVALUATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE MATERIALS Grant Amount: Competitive grant $100,000 for districts with fewer than 1,000 students $100 per student for districts with 1,000 or more students Grant Deadline: May 19, 2017
Districts Write Grants MAY 9: Schools Complete Work May 10-19: Districts Write Grants
Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) Award The school counseling portfolio designed through the Redesigning School Counseling process meets all the ASCA national model components and may be submitted to the American School Counselor Association for the Recognized ASCA Model Program or RAMP award. The portfolio also meets all of the Indiana Program Standards for School Counseling and may be submitted to the Indiana Department of Education for the Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award. Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
THIS MONTH’S PRE-DISCUSSION TASKS Discussion 1 - Goals So why is college so important?
Our goal is to increase the % of Expressing Goals Our goal is to increase the % of by the end of next school year. Student Group Benchmark Baseline Data Target All students report bullying when observed 65% 85% take a career interest inventory 32% 100% talk to parents about school 84% 90% All eighth graders create a HS course plan 0% Boys ask for extra help in class 52% 70%
Three Discussions 1. School Counseling PROGRAM Goals What choices should all students make (ideally) in order for your school to reach the academic goals in its School Improvement Plan? 2. School Counseling PRIORITY Goals Given the limits of time, energy, and funding, which Program Goals should your school tackle first because not enough students are making those choice? 3. Guidance Gaps Which student groups (if any) tend to make sound choices at a lesser rate than their peers?
Email: Pre-Discussion Tasks
Task Demonstration
NAME FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR EMAIL 2.5 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI Questions? Please contact your school’s School Counseling Council - Meeting Point Person NAME FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR EMAIL . Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute