The Age of Exploration
Ch.6 Sec 1 Marco Polo- traveled through much of Asia and wrote about his experiences. The Travels- Marco Polo’s account of his journey through Asia. Reasons for Exploration 1. Military conquests by the Turks 2. Economic motives 3. Religion ( God, Glory, and Gold)
Ch6. Sec 1 cont. The Portuguese Portugal- took the lead in European exploration beginning in 1420. Prince Henry “the Navigator” – sponsored many Portuguese fleets which explored along the western coast of Africa. Bartholomeu Dias- first Portuguese explorer to travel around the Cape of Good Hope.
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont. Vasco da Gama- Portuguese explorer who discovered a route from Portugal to India. The Spanish Spanish sought to reach the spice trade by sailing westward Christopher Columbus- Italian explorer who sailed for the Spanish and landed in the Americans in 1492. (San Salvador, Cuba, Hispaniola)
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont. Treaty of Tordesillas- signed by the Spanish and Portuguese that drew an imaginary line between their spheres of influence. Conquistadors- Spanish conquerors of the Americans . Hernan Cortes- Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztec Empire. Francisco Pizarro- Spanish explorer who conquered the Inca Empire.
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont Various Explorers John Cabot- English explorer who explored the New England coastline of North America. Sir Humphrey Gilbert- known as “ the father of English Colonization” Amerigo Vespucci- Italian explorer for whom the Americas are named after. Ferdinand Magellan- first explorer to sail around the world.
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont. Economic Impact of Exploration Columbian Exchange- extensive trade network between the Old and New Worlds. Old World crops: wheat, barley, rice New World crops: maize, sweet potatoes, Bacteria
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont. The Dutch East India Company- Dutch company set up in India to compete with the English and Portuguese. West India Company- Dutch company set up to compete with the Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas.
Ch.6 Sec 1 cont. Trade, Colonies, and Mercantilism Colony- settlement of people living in a new territory linked with a parent country. Mercantilism- thought which stated that a country’s prosperity depended on a large supply of precious metals. Balance of Trade- difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports.
Ch.6 Sec 2 Africa and The Slave Trade Two factors changed the demand for slaves: Discovery of Americas Sugarcane Plantations- large agricultural estates where slaves worked Triangular trade- pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa, Asia, and the American continents.
Gate of No Return
Ch.6 Sec 2 cont. Middle Passage- journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas or middle portion of the triangular trade. Effects of the Slave Trade: 1. Family life 2. Depopulation in parts of Africa 3. Deprived African communities of young healthy individuals 4. Increased warfare in Africa
Ch.6 Sec 3 Southeast Asia & the Spice Trade The far east had been a relatively stable region in the 1500s. Mainland states- land part of the continent as distinguished from islands or peninsulas.
Ch.6 Sec 3 cont. Moluccas- chief source of spices in the Indian Ocean. Known as the “Spice Islands” Portuguese were the first to dominate the spice trade in the area, but lacked the military and financial resources to impose their will. The English and the Dutch drove the Portuguese from the area. Sumatra- location of England’s only port.
Ch.6 Sec 3 cont. Political systems in Southeast Asia consisted of four styles of monarchy: 1. Buddhist kings 2. Javanese kings 3. Islamic sultans 4. Vietnamese emperors