Competitiveness of the Enterprise and Possible Ways of its Improvement DNIPROPETROVSK ALFRED NOBEL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING Competitiveness of the Enterprise and Possible Ways of its Improvement Student: Alina Kirova Scientific supervisor: Senior lecturer., Ph. D in Economics, Svetlana Yaremenko Language consultant: Senior lecturer., Helen Glinskaya
Relevance of Research is determined by the increasing role of marketing in the relations among market participants and the need for a more advanced architecture of marketing and indentifying its infrastructure components. Purpose of research is competitiveness of the summer camp «Avrora». Object of research is the possibility of increasing the competitiveness of the children camp «Avrora» by improving marketing activities. Objectives: 1. Investigation of the theoretical and methodological aspects of marketing of the summer camp «Avrora». 2. Analyzing marketing activities of the camp «Avrora». 3. Development of the recommendations of increasing the competitiveness of the camp «Avrora» by improving it’s marketing activities. Main results and practical significance are: according to the results of market research recommendations for “Avrora“ have been developed. Recommendations have been implemented at the enterprise.
Investigation of the Ukrainian Children’s Recreation
Assessing the factors that directly affect the economic activities of "Aurora", and taking into account the components of the camp surrounding we come to the conclusion that the enterprise has a very competitive position. Due to its size and balance, the portfolio of this enterprise is able to smooth out seasonal fluctuations and this seasonal business. Analysis of the main indicators of economic activity and their dynamics revealed that the company is continuing its operations, increasing production capacity, its value and profit. 3
SWOT- analysis of “AVRORA” Strengths Weaknesses A wide range of services Modern technology manufacturing High quality of the staff The availability of financial resources Large number of regular customers Constant availability of vouchers Convenient location of the camp High prices for services compared to competitors The impact of seasonal factors on profit Short period of time in the market Pricing policy focused mainly on people with high income Opportunities Threats Dependence on the consumer market Expand of the range of services Weaknesses of the of competitors Access to markets in other regions - Economic instability Lower demand due to the crisis Unfavorable demographic situation The possibility of new competitors in short distances from the camp
1. Costs to purchase necessary equipment for the resort; The ways of improving the competitiveness of the enterprise "Aurora" We can state that the project increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise involves only 2 main types of expenses: 1. Costs to purchase necessary equipment for the resort; 2. Costs for a new program developing Children’s creativity.
has a good position in the market of Ukraine; Conclusions Summer resort “Avrora”: has a good position in the market of Ukraine; its further development and expansion in the local market may be very perspective; has reliable and professional staff ; has constant supply of qualified services.
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