The Just Shall Live By Faith Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome
Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Introduction 1:1-17 Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21 Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith 6:1 – 11:36 4
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Paul next addresses Jewish Christians Most often listed first vv. 9-10 Paul mentions the Law vv. 12-15 They are specified vv. 17-29 Imagine their reaction hearing 1:18-32 when this letter was read in the assembly
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Judging Gentiles was hypocritical vv. 1-3 Jews overlooked that God was patient with them also v. 4 2 Pet 3:3-9, 11 Patient 2:4 vs. Gave over 1:24, 26, 28 POINT Ù even God’s patience has a limit!
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 God’s judgment upon sinners vv. 5-10 Jews’ stubbornness & impenitence was “…storing up wrath for themselves” v. 5 God is impartial v. 6 Psa 62:12 Reward for those who do good v. 7 Punishment for those who do evil v. 8
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 God’s judgment upon sinners vv. 5-10 Judgment will begin with the Jews, but will also include the Gentiles vv. 9-10 His wrath upon the Gentiles 1:18 His wrath upon the Jews 2:5
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Gentiles Whether reward or punishment, God will extend either to all impartially vv. 11-13 Acts 10:34-35 Gal 2:6 Eph 6:9 Those who sin “without” law will perish “without” law v. 12a cp. 1 Cor 9:21 Gentiles
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews Whether reward or punishment, God will extend either to all impartially vv. 11-13 Acts 10:34-35 Gal 2:6 Eph 6:9 Those who sin “under” law will be judged “by” law v. 12b Jews
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Whether reward or punishment, God will extend either to all impartially vv. 11-13 Acts 10:34-35 Gal 2:6 Eph 6:9 Equal, fair standards apply to Jew & Gentile Not just hearing…doing God’s will is what Paul emphasizes v. 13 (obedience)
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Gentiles’ “moral compass” vv. 14-16 Even without a codified law, Gentiles knew “instinctively” the things of the Law v. 14 No law…no sin Rom 4:15 7:7 Yet, sin is affirmed re: Gentiles 1:18 2:12 Therefore, some “law” existed re: them (accountable Ù 1:19)
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Gentiles’ “moral compass” vv. 14-16 Behavior “showed the work of the Law written in their hearts” v. 15 Either “accused” or “defended” One day, all men & their secrets will be judged by Christ Jesus v. 16
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29 They saw themselves as “important” Bear the name “Jew” v. 17 Boast in God v. 17 [compare to Gentile] Rely on Law v. 17 Knew His will v. 18 Guide to the blind v. 18
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29 They saw themselves as “important” A light to those in darkness v. 19 Correct those who are foolish v. 20 Teach those who are immature v. 20 Not a commendation…Paul is exposing their hypocrisy
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29 Paul exposes Jewish hypocrisy vv. 21-23 He lists specific commandments, asking if Jews had guilt re: identical behavior Jewish hypocrisy was causing the Gentiles to blaspheme God v. 24 Isa 52:5
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29 The Jew needed to see his hypocrisy and guilt equal to the Gentile vv. 25-27 Both guilty…both need Christ & the gospel Eventually, the Jew will be judged by the Gentile who keeps the Law better than he does cp. v. 14
Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29 Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29 The “true Jew” vv. 28-29 Not the one who bore the physical (literal) outward sign of the covenant (circumcision) The one who was changed inwardly…who had been circumcised of heart Accomplished by the Spirit…not by letter