How the Church Started: *Resurrection: after three days Jesus rises from the dead Ascension: after the resurrection Jesus returns to heaven Pentecost: the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, this is the birthday of the Church *These three happenings separate Jesus from any other religious leader
Our Journey begins with the Acts of the Apostles. Map pg Apostolic: Jesus founded the Church on the Apostles Gentile: a person who is not Jewish Mosiac Law: can also be called law of Moses, sets forth rules and practices that the Jewish people have followed since the time of Moses (The Ten Commandments, the basis of Mosaic Law, are found in the Bible) (Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21) Epistles: letters Peter and Paul arrange the Church’s first gathering: the Council of Jerusalem, As a result, Gentiles were allowed to belong to the Church without first becoming Jews. Catholic: means universal
How the Church began continued: Original Altars: piles of stones used to sacrifice animals First Christian Altars: kitchen tables used for everyday meals The Old Testament used stone altars to form a covenant with God (sacrifices) The New Testament uses an altar for the Eucharist the new covenant (Jesus sacrifices himself for us)
The Catholic Church is Apostolic in three ways: 1. Our faith is the same as the faith of the Apostles 2. Our bishops and priests can trace their role in the Church back to the original twelve Apostles 3. The mission of the Catholic Church today continues the mission Jesus gave the Apostles-to baptize and spread the Good News. We as Catholics have the responsibility to carry on the mission of the Apostles (confirm this at Confirmation)