International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification for exchange (IDEAS) Meeting in Sweden 2006-06-12—16 Swedish Defence Material Administration Stockholm
Proposed Agenda Monday 12 0900-0920 Welcome call by Maj Gen Christer Lidström, COS Joint C4I & CIO, Training and Procurement, SwAF HQ 0920-0930 Administrative Information 0930-1700 IDEAS WG meeting Tuesday 13 0830-1700 IDEAS WG meeting 1900-2000 Guided tour at the army museum 19:00 (se map) Wednesday 14 0830-1500 IDEAS WG meeting 1500-1700 Introduction to the SwAF EA program 1900-2200 Hosted dinner by Maj Gen Lidström Thursday 15 Full day SwAF EA Workshop (as stated above) (Spec program will be added later) 1700-1800 Industry sponsored social event 1800-2200 Trip by boat to the Swedish Archipelago Friday 16 0830-1200 IDEAS WG meeting and to wind up the party 1300-1500 Demo of "Co-ordinated services for information and C2" 1500-1600 Transportation to Arlanda Airport
SwAF EA Workshop 09.00 - 09.20 Welcome and Introduction Moderator Johan Bendz, FMV 09.20 - 09.40 Capability Engineering using Architecture Key Note Speaker: Anders Johnsson, FMV 09.40 - 10.00 Break 10.00 - 10.15 IDEAS Working Group Introduction Fariba Hozhabrafkan, UK 10.15 - 10.45 Enterprise Architecture & Network Based Defence Mikael Hagenbo, Sw AF 10.45 - 11.00 Break 11.00 - 11.15 A System View: ”The Thread” as a concept Per Johannisson; FMV for Systems Engineering 11.15 -12.15 Demonstration of an SBA-tool for Development Johan Strand/Magnus Sparf, Front End of Systems Architectures 12.15 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 14.00 Information Architecture for Effect Based Ove Gardelius/Björn Nilsson, Command Ekelöw/Anates, Truls Pärsson, FMV 14.00 - 14.15 Break 14.15 - 14.35 Management of resources, Indirect Fire Staffan Martinsen, FMV 14.35 – 15.10 Integrating Mission and Resource Management Jonas Rosén, Eurostep using PLCS Johan Strand Front End 15.10 – 15.30 Computer Aided Messaging Architecture Chung-Wai Lee, FMV 15.30 – 15.50 Break 15.50 - 16.40 The Design Rules Developed within Ledsyst: P-G Jönsson, FMV, Håkan Results and Experiences Davidsson, Combitech 16.40 - 17.00 Summing up Johan Bendz 17.00 - 18.00 Social time with refreshments beer and a sandwich Peder Blomqvist, FMV 18.00 – 22.00 Trip in the archipelago of Stockholm (by boat) Peder Blomqvist, FMV Taxi ordered from FMV reception to Nacka Strand 18.00 Mikael Hagenbo Sw AF refreshments, hot dogs and beers Peder Swenman, Generic System (recommend shoes with rubbersole, and a jacket) P-G Jönsson, FMV
Administration info Peder +46 70 682 5216 PeGe +46 70 682 5895 Mikael +46 70 325 7878 Lunch each day 12-13 rests. Vingen. Table reserved fot IDEAS WG Guided tour The army museum (Map) Tuesday 19:00-20:00.