Flipping Your Classroom An introduction to the process of flipping the classroom and various techniques for implementation. Dean Reese and Jon Waggle Tracy High School
What is Flipping the Classroom? The traditional model uses a video as an instructional tool to deliver instruction to students before students get to the classroom. This is usually followed up in class with a mini review and guided practice drastically expanding time for mentoring students. Let’s hear from the experts: http://www.ted.com/talks/salman_khan_let_s_use_video_to_reinvent_education.html Resources: Khan Academy Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy.org TED-Ed http://ed.ted.com/about
Advantages Increase in student interest More time to practice skills with teacher present Pause, reflect, rewind Absences not as damaging Lessons are always available for review Year to year use
Challenges Student access Passive/not interactive Time investment $$$ Fear of technology (teachers) Student with low motivation Learning style may not work with method
Basic Technique Use Existing Web Content Anything that can be recorded, can be used to flip! Recording devices: computer, camera, phone, tablet, document camera, and any other method of capturing images into a digital format. Editing software Post finished product for viewing on website, youtube, facebook, twitter etc.
Specific Tools for Capture Phone Camera/Camcorder Computer Interactive LCD Interactive whiteboard Document Camera
Costs for Various Methods Starboard or PPT captured with Camtasia ($200 - 2000) IPAD – ScreenChomp App ($0 - $500) Camera phone or video camera ($0 - $200) Document Camera ($50)
Applications for Science Classroom Teaching important/common skills Remediation for struggling students Demonstration of lab skills Daily lecture Homework/Problem set help Training using rubrics Assessment
Software for Capture and Editing Camtasia - $250 Snagit - $30 Debut - $30 Screencast-o-matic – FREE (kind of) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_screencasting_software
Examples of Flipping www.jonwaggle.com www.youtube.com channel jonwaggle www.youtube.com (Dean Reese) https://www.tracy.k12.ca.us/sites/dreese/Lists/C%20Physics%20Calendar/calendar.aspx http://www.flippedclassroom.com http://campustechnology.com/articles/2013/01/23/6-expert-tips-for-flipping-the-classroom.aspx
Thanks! Contact us anytime! Dean Reese – dreese@tusd.net Jon Waggle – jwaggle@tusd.net