Study abroad in Switzerland
Life Drawing classes
Study abroad work
Stezaker and Hock Aus der Sammlung: Aus einem ethnographischen Museum, Hannah Hoch, 1929 Marriage IV, John Stezaker, 2006 Indian Female Dancer, Hannah Hoch, 1930 Pair IV, John Stezaker, 2007
Picabia and Vanitas paintings Lady in Matches, Francis Picabia, 1924-1925 The Handsome Pork Butcher, Francis Piacbia,1924-1926 Vanitas Painting, Unknown Artist or date Vanitas Painting, Unknown Artist or date
Miro and Oursler Young Girl Escaping, Joan Miro, 1967 Unknown, Joan Miro Pieces from the John Buckley Gallery, Tony Oursler, 2013
Die Lange Nacht
National Museum Budapest
Museum in Lucerne
Future Work