Implementing Pebblepad in the Faculty of Health and Applied Science Presentation by Russell Brookes Learning Technologist @EdInnovationHAS Wednesday 14th September
HAS 2014/15: 7359 Students Allied Health Professions, Health and Social Science, Applied Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery Largest Faculty use of Pebblepad at UWE Largest users currently Midwifery and Mental Health, Community Nursing, Healthcare Science
Background Needed a electronic portfolio Competency Sign off priority No clear strategy Myknowledmap v Pebblepad
Initial Reaction went something like this…
Changes Learning Technologist: Portfolios New Director of Tel Pebblepad selected Staged implementation Not afraid to say no…
Theory: Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly
In practice… What do we want at each stage of implementation? How do we get to next steps? Obstacles Buy in
Reality meets theory Time Knowledge Turn over of staff Staff level of involvement Lack of central support ITS restructure
Number one tip to succedd…
What we did NO PILOTS Looked at scalability Student and staff guidance Specialist support Patience Embraced failure Celebrated success
Moving with the Times: Meet with staff Training Online support: Upskilling team and staff Embracing student use
Where are we now: UWE Pebblepad
The Future: Students love version 5! Pebblepocket One drive Embed codes
Any questions? @russbrookes1981 @edinnovationhas