Memory Verse Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. - Colossians 4:6
Behave well to receive much! Parents want children to tell them what they need. If a child refuses to ask, cannot receive.
Behave well to receive much! When you ask, it must be done with respect and you must be well behaved. Children who behave well will receive almost everything they ask for.
It shows when you are truly a FRIEND OF JESUS As we read in our bible text, our character must show we are true friends of Jesus. This shows we in the way we talk, choice of friends, and where we choose to go.
It shows when you are truly a FRIEND OF JESUS Being a friend of Jesus shows through: humility, love, joy, respect for elders, proper way of talking, goodness, patience, holiness and obedience to God’s word.
Pray! What should you pray for? To behave well, you must be prayerful. Pray EVERYDAY! Prayer helps you to do the will of God and you grow spiritually. REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR: The pastors Teachers Members Friends Neighbours The country Yourself.
Repent, be clean, then PRAY! Children that are doing BAD THINGS cannot PRAY WELL.. If you are sorry for the bad things you have done, repent and ask Jesus to forgive and wash you with his blood.
Repent, be clean, then PRAY! Ask Jesus to be your Saviour and Friend. As you read the Bible and listen to the teaching of the word, it will help grow and become a Christian.
Questions Friends of Jesus are advised to _____ and ____. How can a naughty child become a friend of Jesus? Mention two things you will see in the life of a child who behaves well.________ What are the things you will do to show that you are a real friend of Jesus?____
Lesson – Thought – Activity Lesson: Obedience is the sure way to please God and enjoy His blessings. Thought: I will always obey God and enjoy His blessings. Activity: Children should pray to be well behaved and prayerful. Share what you learned with your Mum, Dad or Guardian.
Citations http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Christian-Father https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxyxRSwt418 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/325525879293181386/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3100651/Do-Big-Macs-grow-trees-Parents-share-bizarre-questions-posed-children-online-baffled-responses.html