What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…? Catechism Questions 353-357 October 1, 2017
What Is Prayer? Prayer is gift from God where I can talk to him about anything that’s on my mind.
What’s Meant By: Hallowed Be Your Name? God’s name is hallowed (kept holy) when I speak and live according to God’s Word.
What’s Meant By: Your Kingdom Come? I ask that God will strengthen my faith and bring many other people to faith in Jesus.
What’s Meant By: Your Will Be Done…? I ask that God will help me to do his will rather than the will of the devil, world, and my sinful flesh.
What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…?
Seek First God’s Kingdom Luke 12:22-31
What was Jesus’ point with the ravens and plants? God daily provides for them even though they don’t plan for the future. Why do people struggle to seek first God’s kingdom? Concern for the things of this world crowds out their focus on heaven.
Philippians 4:19
What is meant by daily bread? My daily bread includes all my bodily needs.
Seek First God’s Kingdom Luke 12:22-31
Matthew 5:45b
Who does God give daily bread to? God gives daily bread to all people – believers and unbelievers.
Romans 8:32
Why does God give us our daily bread? God gives people their daily bread because of his love for all people.
Seek First God’s Kingdom Luke 12:22-31
Psalm 118:1; Luke 12:32-34
How am I to receive my daily bread? I give thanks to God and trust that he will daily give me all I need.
Seek First God’s Kingdom Luke 12:22-31
Why did Martin Luther include these as daily bread? Godly family…honest leaders…good citizens…good weather…a good name. A/D: If a person prays the 4th Petition, they won’t suffer from depression.
What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…? I ask God to graciously provide for my bodily needs day by day.
What’s Meant By: Give Us Today…? Catechism Questions 353-357 October 1, 2017