Environmental Studies On Sexy Shrimp, Thor amboinensis Andrew Link Hatch Means Abstract Our year long project was to test environmental changes on Sexy Shrimp, Thor amboinensis. The first month we watched the Sexy Shrimp and their actions in their current environment. We recorded their actions everyday as well as measuring the chemical levels of the tank. The following month we removed the coral fragments/anemone that the Sexy Shrimp are currently hanging out on. We documented how they reacted, in addition to measuring chemical levels. The third month we added a new anemone to the tank and observed how the shrimp reacts. The shrimp either totally ignore the new addition, or will make it a new home. During March we totally remodeled the corals and the shrimp had a shocking reaction. Throughout these 3 months the shrimp were very active and we saw at least 1 shrimp almost everyday. The tank format during these months allowed the shrimp easy access to hiding, and the ability to come out and eat without worrying about larger aggressive fish attacking them. March 1. When the environment is changed in the tank, how will the sexy shrimp react? 2. What will the shrimp do if we remove its home and don’t replace it? 3. Will the shrimp claim a new coral fragment or anemone as its home? 4. Will the shrimp continue its previous behaviors when it inhabits a new home? Background: These shrimp are normally found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, but can also be found in the Caribbean and the Atlantic. Anemones and Corals are a common home to these shrimp. Growing up to only 1.5 inches means that these shrimp do not eat much compared to other fish. (2). With this being said, it is important to feed the shrimp shredded clam or plankton (2). If the shrimp are not properly fed, you might notice a decrease of polyps in our tank. Since Sexy shrimp are attached to certain anemones or coral fragments because they are their homes, we want to test the behavioral changes on the shrimp if we make a change to their environment. What would happen if we remove their home and add something new? If we change the environment that the shrimp are comfortable in and have set up homes in, how will they react? Lining up the corals one by one in the middle of the tank made the shrimp become scared of surrounding fish. They felt like they would be attacked if they left their coral homes. That is why the amount of days we saw them hiding, or did not see at all, increased. Even if we fed them it was rare for one shrimp to come out. We conclude that they are too scared of surrounding fish. Conclusion: When the shrimp have a good hiding spot and easy access to open sand, you will see the shrimp every time you feed them. When the shrimp are in the open surrounded by predators it is rare for them to come out of their coral home. They have no trouble moving to a different coral if their current home is removed. Their behavior will remain constant unless they are exposed.