Section 180c Ad Hoc Working Group Update November 3, 2016
Overview Section 180c of the NWPA (1982) provides technical assistance & training funds for first responders in states and for Tribes impacted by the transportation of spent nuclear fuel. DOE policy for implementation was published in the Federal Register in 2008. Early 2014 SRGs and states/tribes started process for DOE Exercise to test the 2008 policy. DOE primary goal - test the operability of the policy framework described in 2008 FRN.
Players Oregon Indiana Nebraska North Carolina Pennsylvania Texas Connecticut Prairie Island Indian Community
Timeline May 2014 Formalize October 2014 Design December 2014 Initiate March 2015 Extension August 2015 Phase II March 2016 Conclude June 2016 Review
EX Goals Comparing policy options/implementation logistics Gain understanding & experience (simulation) Assess communications process Evaluate funding formula Assess incremental need analysis Test the grant application process & requirements
EX Outcome Summary Establish better expectations for outcomes for future exercise (time commitment & expertise) Better define training requirements for different public officials (participant diversity) Better explanation of application process and be less cumbersome (simplified) SME and participation with Merit Review Panel
EX Outcome Summary Cooperative Agreement versus Grant What can be facilitated at the state/tribe level DOE involvement Preference for just one 5 year grant for Assessing, Planning, and Training Need to cover cost of operational activities State participants fund requirements varied widely (Increment of need needs to be defined) 2008 FRN formula not tested
Next Steps (from Work Plan) Develop a grant application template that includes Route Maps Summary breakdown of government structure and responsibilities History of training/equipment for increment of need justification
Next Steps Develop a fact sheet for state/tribal government - management to support continued staff time Resolve the Funding Formula Develop proposed policy revision language (after resolving funding formula) Develop TEPP training modules in Spring 2017
Time-Line 180c EX 180c Next Steps US Department of Energy Planning Timeline for Future Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation Sub-Elements Approximately 7 - 12* Year Timeframe Transport Begins < -------------------------------------------------------------------- Congressional Authorization ------------------------------------------------------------- > Transportation - Planning Stakeholder Interactions (DOE, Tribes, States, SRGs, NTSF, AHWGs, NE Trans. Core Group, Other Fed, Local, Site/Facility, Utilities) Transportation Planning Framework Develop Master Transportation Plan Shipment Specific Transportation Plans 180c EX 180c Next Steps NWPA Section 180c Policy Revision and Finalization Route ID ► Grant Application - Planning and Training Route Selection Methodology Preliminary Mode & Route Determination Mode & Route Determination Shipment Specific Route Approval Transport Equipment Inspection Protocol Development Inspection Capabilities Input Into Railcar, Escort and Monitoring Equipment Specs Inspection Implementation Development of Transport Modeling Tools Determination of Regulatory Framework Incorporate Transport Requirements into Transportation Plans and Equipment Transportation System Conception and Advance Planning Assess Existing Transportation Infrastructure Assess and Establish On-site/Near-site Transportation Infrastructure De-inventory Implementation Planning Transportation Hardware Railcar (Cask, Buffer & Escort) Design and Testing w- AAR Conditional Approval Railcar Procurement Develop Casks and Impact Limiters Procurement Needs Casks and Impact Limiters Procurement Operational Support Facilities (Casks and Railcar) and Services Procurement and Deployment