Equinox and Solstice Anny 6C
Causes of Equinox and Solstice The causes of equinox and solstice: When the sun is far away from north and south of the equator they will have different amount of sunlight that cause the solstice. Moon is directly overhead at the equator so they will have equal day & night and this is called equinox. Autumn Equinox: when the sun passes the equator moving from the northern to the southern hemisphere they will have equal sunlight that cause equinox. Vernal Equinox: when the sun passes the equator moving from the southern to the northern hemisphere they will have equal sunlight that cause equinox. Earth have tilted 23.5◦ this cause every place in earth get different amount of heat that cause different time for day & night and have not equal day & night. This thing is called solstice because they don’t have equal day & night. Equinox is caused by the gravitational force of sun and moon. Equinox and solstice happen because of the rotation that makes earth get different sunlight and day & night.
How Solstice Happen When the earth rotates and revolves the earth will have different position that makes the sunlight hit different places this is the impact of solstice. When December 22 (more less) is winter solstice, this will make equator have equal day & night but northern will get less amount of sunlight and southern will get more amount of sunlight. When June 22 (more less) is summer solstice, this will make the northern will get more amount of sunlight but southern will get less amount of sunlight. This is called solstice, when there’s less amount of sunlight that’s mean the day will be less and night will be longer and the same as more amount of sunlight is the opposite.
How Equinox Happen When the earth rotates and revolves it also have the place and time that will happen equally, this is called equinox. When 20 March (more less) is vernal equinox and when 22 or 23 September (more less) is autumnal equinox this is the time and place where the sun will give equal amount of sunlight in northern, southern and equator. This will impact day & night happen equally in every place of earth.
Impacts of sOLSTICE Positive (+) Negative (-) Every place will get different amount of sunlight that make them have different season Will have different calendar and time in different country Solstice can make 4 season to some countries and 2 season in some countries When the season change usually people use the time for farming and hunting in both place northern and southern Make the daylight and night happen in different time Will get not equal day and night and also sunlight so the impact to the human is they will get different daylight and night that will impacting human habit in different time Some of the place will get not equal temperature such as southern and northern hemisphere Can create great impact to the pole 6 months daylight and 6 months night Positive (+) Negative (-)
Impacts of Equinox Can get equal amount of sunlight in northern and southern hemisphere Equinox is an important date that will make people have some celebration and believes such as celebrating Ostara where Christian are observing Easter to remember spring Will be more faster or slower to get night because of the rotates and revolves in equinox When people don’t believe on the important date they will think it’s usual date and don’t have celebration to respect the date Positive (+) Negative (-)
Bibliography http://www.brainpop.com/science/earthsyst em/solsticeandequinox/ http://www.woodlands- junior.kent.sch.uk/time/equinox.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox http://www.kidsastronomy.com/dictionary.h tm http://library.thinkquest.org/29033/begin/e arthsunmoon.htm http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/ostarath espringequinox/p/SpringEqWorld.htm