The Epic Characteristics You will need these notes for your epic video project. Grade on video based in part on elements of the epic.
Epic A long narrative that celebrates a hero’s courageous deeds and adventures That hero is going to change depending on region Beowulf = manly Ramayana = peace loving (meditates in battle)
Epic The hero is: Of noble birth or high position Of great historical importance True of every epic
Epic The hero’s character traits reflect the ideals of his society. As we read the epics pay attention to character traits they tell us what the culture values. Epics from our culture. What qualities/traits/values would be revealed? Ex: George Washington – freedom, independence, honesty 300
Epic The hero’s deeds and adventures reflect the values of the era. Not just what the hero is like but what he does. Dragon with riches – man wants riches – what does that say about the culture? Culture’s values show up in the type of hero and what they do.
Epic The hero’s actions determine the fate of a nation or culture. Beowulf – end of an era. Anglo Saxon culture was dying – transitioning to Christianity. New way of thinking is coming. Beowulf is trying to hold on to the old ways.
Epic The setting is vast in scope, often involving more than one nation. Ramayana – all across the universe Beowulf – Sweden to Denmark Illiad – Greece and Troy *your epic video should show the vastness of the settings of epics.
Epic Elevated Style – formal diction and serious tone Beowulf – son of so and so, son of so and so, son of so and so . . . *have fun this in epic video
Epic Major characters often deliver long formal speeches. *have fun with this in your epic video
Epic The plot is complicated by supernatural beings or events. Iliad – Greece and Troy – gods and goddesses Beowulf – 3 monsters amayana – gods and monkeys
Epic Reflects timeless values Current/relevant Battle of good and evil Goodness vs. badness
Epic Treats universal themes. What does it mean to be a hero? Good vs. evil
The Anglo Saxons and “Beowulf” Historical Background Roman Empire 300BC – 410 AD How big the Roman Empire was. Conqured a lot of land. Made their way up to the Anglo Saxons in northern Europe.
The Christianity of Roman Empire brings change of view to Britain Britain was pagan prior to Roman control Roman Empire – Catholic/Christian Old/pagan beliefs were living alongside new/Christian beliefs in Britain, and the longer the Romans remained, the more Christianized the pagans became. As Rome invaded two belief systems along side of each other.
Beowulf – the Anglo Saxon’s Story When Rome began to fall (soldiers had to return to Rome to defend it, leaving the outer lands vulnurable), the Anglo Saxon Germanic Tribes began attacking England. These tribes practiced old Norse religion, which believed in many gods, and Wyrd (fate).
410 Fall of Roman Empire Leaves Britain vulnerable to Germanic Tribes – Romans leave Britain because they need to defend Rome. Anglo Saxons control Britain: 449-1066
Danes, Norsemen, and Vikings Anglo Saxon England Anglo Saxon England is vulnerable to attack by: Danes, Norsemen, and Vikings When Rome invaded Britain they left Britain weak and tribes came down from the north and attacked also. Monsters illustrate attacks people were constantly fearing and waiting for. *no electricity or lights at night. Dark and scary.
Anglo Saxons Feudal System Passionately loyal Strict Tribal Code of conduct Love of Adventure Fatalistic Outlook Fame/Wealth only true immortality Burial a sign of one’s immortality God/hero Religion Oral Tradition/Illiterate Gathered in “mead halls” to tell battle stories Patriarchal Circular, rings of loyalty, story is circular. Their gods where heroes. Stories heroic in nature.
Old Anglo Saxon Oral Stories Passed down orally Recorded by Monks and kept in monasteries around 700 AD Christian/Pagan beliefs – two theories..
Theory #1 Beowulf is a reflection of the times: Pagans lived alongside of Christians – their stories reflected these beliefs Theory #2 Beowulf is a Pagan story – Christian elements were added later by the monks.