Data Collection in Africa Blessing Shumba, Dmitry A. Storchak, James Harris, Domenico Di Giacomo 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 1
Intro: ISC Products and Services not real time aimed at quality, not a speed of delivery long-term continuous most complete open to all designed for use by researchers Station Registry (with USGS) ISC Bulletin (including the EHB) Reference Event (GT) List (with IASPEI) ISC-GEM Catalogue Event Bibliography Seismological Contacts John Milne Harold Jeffreys 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 2
Intro: ISC data products: update the front-page with the current one 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 3 3
1: International Seismograph Station Registry (IR) Since 1970s, the ISC maintains the Registry jointly with NEIC / USGS ~22,000 stations, open or closed, are registered in IR; parameters of ~550 were registered or modified in 2015. We are preparing a meaningful set of agency codes that will resemble the commonly used institutional acronyms such as: CGS (instead of PRE), MSDZ (instead of BUL), NRIAG (instead of HLW), ... 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 4
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 2: ISC Bulletin (1904-2016) The definitive and most complete long-term record of global earthquake information Contains major source parameters of ~5.8 million seismic events: natural and anthropogenic ~137 agencies report bulletin data to be included into the ISC Bulletin. Individual agency bulletins in different formats are parsed, checked, merged per natural event, event parameters re-calculated, reviewed and made available in standard formats. 5.8 M events, 1.9 M of them reviewed, 148 M seismic arrivals, 98 M in reviewed 137 agency-contributors 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 5
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 2: ISC Bulletin Growth of event & phase data volume continues Worldwide, the ISC Bulletin is more complete than either of NEIC or IDC 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 6
Log scale; in red are those events/arrivals added in 2015 2: ISC Bulletin Log scale; in red are those events/arrivals added in 2015 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 7
2: ISC Bulletin : Focus in Africa The red dots show events that have been recomputed by the ISC and have an ISC hypocenter. The blue dots shows events that are in the ISC Bulletin but their locations are fixed to hypocenter solutions of local agencies 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 8
1964-Present Annual ISC hypocentres in Africa 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 9
2: ISC Bulletin 1964-Present Annual hypocenters received at the ISC PRE, South Africa BUL, Zimbabwe 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 10
2: ISC Bulletin 1964-Present Annual hypocenters received at the ISC SPGM,Morocco CNRM, Morocco 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 11
2: ISC Bulletin 1964-Present Annual hypocenters received at the ISC ESASWARG TUN,Tunisia HLW,Egypt 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 12
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt The 2 figures above shows the stations and agencies in Africa which contribute to the MS(ISC) & mb(ISC) for any event globally 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 13
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt Magnitude plots for events in Africa The 2006-02-22 Machaze, Mozambique, Mw=7.0 aftershock sequence The 2003-05-21 Bourmedes, Algeria, Mw = 6.8 aftershock sequence The 2005-12-05 Lake Tanganyika, Mw=6.8 aftershock sequence 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 14
Magnitude for events in Africa (1964-present) The red dots show events that have been recalculated by ISC and have an ISC hypocenter. The blue dots show events that are fixed to any hypocenter and do not have an ISC solution 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 15
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 2: ISC Bulletin The ISC Bulletin contains arrival times of many different types of seismic waves, including those predicted by the ak135 velocity model 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 16 16
2: ISC Bulletin : Reviewed 2003 Zemmouri – Boumerdes Earthquake
Hypocentre solutions from 20 agencies with the ISC Solution as the prime hypocentre; 39 Magnitude values reported for this event from 22 Agencies. 58 published papers under ISC event Bibliography
2: ISC Bulletin: August 5, 2014, South Africa, Orkney Earthquake, 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 19
2: ISC Bulletin: August 5, 2014, South Africa, Orkney Earthquake…Cont….. As of today, the automatic ISC Bulletin contains: hypocentre solutions from 12 agencies; 23 Magnitude type reported for this event 1 published paper More data for this event is still coming to the ISC
2: ISC Bulletin: Rebuild Existing BAAS, ISA, ISS Catalogues Existing ISC Bulletin Present no phase data; no reliable magnitudes 2002 2006 2009 1904 1964 JB: P JB:P&S ak135:P&S ak135: all phases different location methods, phase types and Earth’s velocity models used over 100 years Reviser ISCloc:RL ISCloc:IB + Additional station data of permanent and temporary networks + ISC-GEM station data Rebuilt ISC Bulletin station data first time, many new surface wave magnitudes 1904 1964 1978 2009 Present many new surface wave magnitudes bulletin parameters computed with the new ISC location method and ak135 velocity model 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 21
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 2: ISC Bulletin: EHB (1960-2008) The EHB dataset is a groomed subset of the ISC Bulletin with well recorded seismic events relocated using (Engdahl et al, 1998) technique The EHB contains arrival times of the most prominent and well reported types of seismic waves 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 22
3: IASPEI Reference Event List, GT (1959-2012) 8,573 GT(0-10) events with locations known with 95% confidence level: natural anthropogenic accompanied by ~870,000 associated seismic arrivals The list is maintained by the ISC under the supervision of IASPEI 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 23
4: ISC-GEM Catalogue (1900-2012) The ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue is built for the purpose of seismic hazard and risk assessment: ~24,500 homogeneous hypocentre locations and MW estimates with the estimates of uncertainty covering 110 years period prepared using uniform location and magnitude determination techniques, using original seismogram measurements 1900-1917: MW≥7.5 worldwide + smaller shallow events in stable continental areas 1918-1934: MW≥6¼ 1939-2009: MW≥5.5 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 24
5: ISC-GEM Catalogue, large data entry effort The work on the ISC-GEM Catalogue required digitising of a large volume of data that has not been available electronically in the past. (Storchak et al., 2014) 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 25
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt Extension Project Earthquake Numbers Jan 2013, Ver 1.0 Jan 2015, Ver 2.0 Earthquake Numbers Jan 2016, Ver 3.0 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 26
5: ISC Event Bibliography (1904-2016) An interactive web-search for references to scientific articles related to seismic events in a particular region and period of occurrence/publication; includes articles in many fields of Geosciences; seismic events include both earthquakes and anthropogenic events. 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 27 27
5: ISC Event Bibliography (1904-2016) ~17,000 scientific articles related to ~14,000 events in ~500 journal titles; articles published in the last ~60 years and related to seismic events occurred in the last ~110 years; a few events in the first half of the 20th century; (Di Giacomo et al., 2014) 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 28
5: ISC Event Bibliography 1,118 scientific articles related to 1,343 events that occurred in the last 110 years were added during calendar year 2015 in addition to recent scientific periodicals, this number includes many articles in the specially processed back issues of BSSA, SRL and 30 volumes of “Earthquakes in the USSR”. 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 29
5: ISC Event Bibliography: Africa Region 1981 November 14, Aswan, Egypt Earthquake 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 30
CTBTO Link to the ISC Database The Link is a service provided to NDCs and PTS from the secure IDC website. The ISC designs, implements and maintains this service in consultation with the IDC. The Link is funded and technically assisted by CTBTO.
The Link: Overview of searches Four groups of searches: ● Area based – spatio-temporal searches within the ISC Bulletin; ● REB event based – spatiotemporal searches based on specific events within the IDC Reviewed Event Bulletin; ● IMS station based – searches of station data proximate to a particular IMS seismic station. ● GT event based – searches for GT event waveform records.
ISC Members and Sponsors 62 Member-Institutions from 45 countries provide annual financial support to the ISC, including Egypt, Algeria and South Africa. There is also a number of international, public and commercial entities that support specific ISC projects: Innovate UK 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 33
1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt Summary ISC continues with its unique long-term international mission collecting and integrating seismic bulletin data from 137 agencies worldwide ISC Products are openly available: Int. Station Registry (1964-2016) ISC Bulletin (1904-2016), including the EHB (1964-2008) GT (1959-2012) ISC-GEM Catalogue (1900-2012) ISC Event Bibliography (1950-2016) Seismological Contacts These products and services provide a multitude of information related to recent earthquakes such as the 2014 Orkney, South Africa earthquake and the 2015 Lake Tanganyika The ISC appreciates the financial support of its Members and Sponsors in Africa: NRIAG (Egypt), CRAAG (Algeria) and CGS (SA). 2-5 April 2016 1st AfSC Assembly, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt 34