WHY CHANGE? Standards Based Learning focuses on student progress and growth towards course standards. By using Standards Based Learning, students and parents can clearly see student performance as related to course standards. Students will have the opportunity to know the standards for the semester and multiple opportunities to meet and exceed the standard. These course standards are listed on the summative assessment rubrics and are also connected to the AP rubric standards, which are connected to ACTFL (national) standards. The goal for this course is communication and all standards promote real-world communication skills that will help students communicate beyond the classroom.
WHO IS INVOLVED IN THIS PILOT? Four teachers – Kari Hillen & Heather Martens from BVNW RJ Palmgren & Karen Tritt from BVW World Languages – Spanish Levels – Spanish 3.5 and Honors 4 at BVNW Honors 4 and AP 5 at BVW These teachers have researched Standards Based Learning and will be piloting this idea for the school year 2016-2017 with the hopes that in the future more teachers in other BV high schools may become involved.
HOW WILL MY STUDENT BE ASSESSED WITH STANDARDS BASED LEARNING? There are 6 Standards that the Spanish classes will be using: Treatment of Task 20% Vocabulary 20% Communication Strategies 20% Cultural Awareness 10% Interpretation of Authentic Sources 10% Language Control 20% All assessments will be scored based on WL rubrics and a 4pt scale. 4 3 2 1 Exceeds Proficiency Proficient Approaching Not proficient
HOW DOES THE NEW SCALE CORRESPOND TO THE OLD GRADING SCALE? 4.0-3.4 Communicates that a student has mastered, at a very high level, the academic learning of the course. A student would need to be Proficient (3) or Highly Proficient (4) in the majority of the learning targets to earn this letter grade. B 3.4-2.7 Communicates that a student has the academic learning of a course strongly in place and is well equipped to move forward. A student would need to earn mostly summary judgments of Proficient (3) on the course learning targets to earn this letter grade. C 2.7-2.0 Communicates that a student has a basic understanding of the academic learning of a course. This student has attained the minimum required knowledge and skills to move on to the next course by earning summary judgments of Nearly Proficient (2) or better on most learning targets. D 2.0-1.6 Communicates that a student has not mastered enough of the required learning for the course to be successful moving forward. While a student receiving a “D” may move forward to the next course, this student will lack prerequisite learning and interventions may be necessary. F 1.6-0 Communicates that a student has not mastered enough academic learning in a course to appropriately move on to the next course. This student would have earned mostly Developing (1) on the summary judgments for this course. High school students will not receive transcripted credit.
Final grade percentages with letter grades B = 84.9-67.5% C = 67.49-50% D = 49.9-40% F = 39.9-0%
What does this look like in the gradebook?
In Student/ParentVue..
After clicking on grade, you can see individual assignments in “Assignment View”
In “Standards View”
Click on the standard to see the individual assessments
HOW GRADES ARE FIGURED IN THE GRADEBOOK The Synergy gradebook is set up by Standards and the scores will be figured with the Power Law Formula. What is Power Law? From Robert Marzano, “The Power Law Formula predicts what the student’s next score will be based on scores already present. It answers the question, “If the student were assessed right now on a skill, what level would the student likely perform?” Since the student’s grade on a standard is meant to be an indication of skill at a certain time, the power formula can be used to calculate standard grades.” Keep in mind that averaging grades would actually give a lower grade to the student, and the power law formula calculates a grade in favor of the student.
FORMATIVE & SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS In this course students will receive scores for some formative and all summative assessments. Formative assessments will be formal ways in which students can see their progress with their course standards. Students will have the opportunity to take formative assessments multiple times to show their best performance. Most formative assessments will assess one or two course standards. Summative assessments will occur at the end of a unit and combine multiple standards in a single performance. Most summative assessments will not be given multiple times, but will be practiced in class throughout the unit.
THE IMPORTANCE OF PRACTICE When students are introduced to a new concept, practice is the only way for them to try it out. Students should not be penalized for taking risks when learning new skills in the class, therefore, practice will not be scored in the gradebook. Students will receive a variety of formal and informal feedback on their practices to help them prepare for formative and summative assessments.
Redos or Retakes When a student receives a 2 or lower, he/she will automatically receive a Redo ticket. This ticket is completed by the student and then multiple examples of studying activities are attached to show how the student continued to learn the concept. Once completed the student will be given a new version of the assessment which will be in a different format. A student who has received a 3 on an assessment can choose to redo, but it is not mandatory.
RESOURCES TO SUPPORT STANDARDS BASED LEARNING update/oct13/vol55/num10/How-We-Got-Grading-Wrong,-and-What-to-Do- About-It.aspx en_Reasons_for_Standards-Based_Grading.aspx