Songs Note: Everything we’ve done so far has been spoken in rhythm (chanted). Songs have a melody (tune you can sing.)
BOOS Time! B.O.O.S. Butts Out Of Seats! No, not this! Definitely not this! B.O.O.S. Butts Out Of Seats!
Little Spider – teach song first!
Little Spider Count the spider webs.
Little Spider Count the spiders.
Little Spider Sing the song. Pat each spider once with me. You will need to go back to the first spider ½ way through the song (we didn’t have enough room for all the spiders!)
In music, the symbol shows one sound on the beat. If there is no sound on the beat, what music symbol is used? This is a rest. It means a beat of silence.
Sing the song. Pat each note once while you are singing Sing the song. Pat each note once while you are singing. You will need to go back to the first note ½ way through the song (we didn’t have enough room for all the notes!)
Little spider spins all day Spins while all the others play Then the web is finally done Shining in the morning sun
Brainstorm – how can you encourage your students to read fluently & with expression?
Love language, love literature!