Welcome The aims of today……...


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome The aims of today……..

A few things to celebrate… Reculver School was in the top 25% of all schools nationally for children’s progress during their time at Primary School. Last year we were successful in a Library Grant bid meaning that we have been able to build a new library and stock it with a large selection of new books. Our new play equipment has been installed thanks to your generosity. We look forward to using this as part of our PE lessons and playtimes.

Our School Priorities 2017/18: To promote independence and resilience- Growth Mindset To develop ‘mastery’ of the Maths curriculum. To further engage children with their reading- Accelerated Reader: Launch evening 2nd October 6:15pm. To develop high quality writing opportunities through a cross- curricular approach.

Our Year 5 Team : Mr Depradines Mr Norton Mrs Wright

Our Year 6 Team : Mr Caple Miss Hamilton

Inspire Curriculum A cross-curricular approach Year 6 Who is taking control? What’s happening now? A voyage of discovery

Year 5 To the Stars The Ancient Greeks Poles Apart

Homework Children will be set homework to reinforce and consolidate their learning in school. Maths homework will relate to objectives covered in class. Children will also be encouraged to practise their times tables and mental calculations at home.

Homework English- your child will be set homework with a SPaG focus related to the objectives covered in school that week.

A comment about what they have read is encouraged. Homework Reading- your children should record their reading in their yellow contact book at least four times a week. A comment about what they have read is encouraged. Please sign their books once a week.

Homework Spelling- your child will be learning key words from the Year 5 and 6 Word Lists in school and we expect them to continue to learn these at home. Lists are available to take home.

PE Kit – please keep in school all week. Equipment PE Kit – please keep in school all week. Stationery- initial kit is provided. School shop available for additional supplies.

Behaviour and Rewards To be used in class to support day to day rewarding of behaviour in and out of work. Every 10 dojo points, pupils to get a house point. Every 50 dojo points, children to be sent to Mrs Ashley-Jones/Mrs Collins to get a certificate, email/letter home & raffle ticket. These raffle tickets will be combined for a draw at Christmas & Summer. Housepoints will still be being used.

Attendance Attendance: Remember—to be ‘good’ we need to be 95.6% or better No holiday will be authorised during term time. Fixed penalty notices will be issued from KCC. Reculver was below the Kent and National average last year.

E mail Correspondence and Parent Pay Just a reminder that we will be continuing to e-mail letters during this term. If you have not already done so, please email emailsetup@reculver.kent.sch.uk so that we have your address. We will also be continuing with our ‘Parent Pay’ system so that school dinners and school trips can be paid for online, eliminating the need for cash to be sent into school. We will send you further details on this when we have them.

Expected time of achievement B Beginning Grade What this means Significance Expected time of achievement B Beginning A child is just starting to grasp the concepts of that year’s curriculum Terms 1 & 2 B+ Beginning plus D Developing A child’s understanding is above the basic level for that year Terms 3 & 4 D+ Developing plus S Secure A child has attained the national expectations for that year. Terms 5 & 6 S+ Secure plus E Exceeding A child is consistently achieving above the expectations for the year Only a small number of pupils will attain this assessment E+

SATs Tests May 14th to May 17th 2018 for Year 6 Maths, Reading and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

SATs Tests As part of the new NC levels have been abolished. Therefore in Year 6 the children will instead receive a scaled score (a bit like a standardised score). The government will not be releasing the scale until pupils have taken the tests and a national standard has been identified. The scaled score will be based on the child’s raw score (total number of marks in the test) and be translated into a scaled score. As parents you will also be informed of whether or not your child has reached the national standard.

Year 5 and PESE

The Secondary School application process http://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-places/secondary-school-places

Parents who have registered for the Kent Test in June can log in to their existing applications and add preferences without having to retype all the data again. If you don’t have a computer, we can help you with this in school. Please make an appointment to see Mr Grainger who will help you with the application process.

The national closing date for applications is 31 October 2017. .. It's in your best interests to list 4 schools. Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child, neither does naming a school more than once Visit as many schools as possible and be open minded – you may be surprised!

Year 5 Parents We will give you further information about dates for Kent Test Registration, when we have them. This year, applications opened on 1st June and closed on 1st July CAT Tests/Parent meetings will happen before this meeting to guide you with your choice as to whether to enter your child for the test.

Residential Trip June 2018 for 4 nights June 2019 for 4 nights for current Year 5 Kingswood in Ashford