The Way It Is There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread. ~ William Stafford ~ 80 53 57
This is the reason we can say that people don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it and What you do simply serves as the tangible proof of what you believe.
THE GOLDEN CIRCLE How does personalized learning fit with your one word? Why are you using pl as your approach?
LISTEN, NOT TELL Listening with understanding and empathy Questioning and problem posing Thinking flexibly
START AT DESIGN TABLE Listening with understanding and empathy Questioning and problem posing Thinking flexibly
ALLOW AND REMAIN OPEN TO MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Listening with understanding and empathy Questioning and problem posing Thinking flexibly
PAY ATTENTION TO HOW ORGANIZATION IS DISCOVERING ITSELF Thinking about thinking Responding with wonderment and awe
What does this say to you about listening and feedback in your CLASSROOM, SCHOOL, AND/OR district?
REVISITING THE WORD What words describe personalized learning?
How might we create an environment built on trust where everyone has an equitable voice so our creative and innovative ideas can grow?
Illustrative example: Manchester Public schools Achieving equity through personalization Be learner driven Create multiple pathways to achieve identified goals Support innovation and expect continuous growth Engage in discourse where every voice is recognized and respected Reflect upon beliefs, behaviors, and assumptions and how they impact achievement
Psycho-social attributes
This work has value for me. RELEVANCE This work has value for me. Evidence of this is…
GROWTH MINDSET My ability and confidence grow with my effort. Evidence of this is…
SELF-EFFICACY I can succeed at this. Evidence of this is…
I belong in this academic community. SENSE OF BELONGING I belong in this academic community. Evidence of this is…
Recommendation #1 Get off the treadmill.
Recommendation #2 Stop and smell the roses and take a look around.
Recommendation #3 Be curious about something. What makes you wonder?
Recommendation #4 Be inspired by an idea and go for it.
Recommendation #5 Contribute something to the world.
Recommendation #6 Celebrate the journey.
New book — coming out January 2017 (ASCD) MORE INFORMATION ALLISON ZMUDA Email: Twitter: @allison_zmuda Website: Stay tuned for… New book — coming out January 2017 (ASCD) New online PD offering on personalized learning — coming out September 2016 (Eduplanet21)