Economic activity of persons with disabilities in the light of 2011 population census Grażyna Dehnel g.dehnel@ue.poznan.l Elżbieta Gołata


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Presentation transcript:

Economic activity of persons with disabilities in the light of 2011 population census Grażyna Dehnel g.dehnel@ue.poznan.l Elżbieta Gołata

Outline of the presentation Introduction - formulating the problems Disability in the 2011 population census - comparison and information scope Compliance of data on disability from different sources and its stability during time Estimation procedure based on algorithm used in demographic projections Economic activity of people with disabilities Analysis of economic activity based on previous census – by age and sex Analysis of economic activity based on Labour Force Survey data – time series data Estimates of economic activity of disabled, 2011 Census Compatibility of the estimates with data from additional sources Conclusion

Introduction - formulating the problem The aim of the study – to analyse economic activity od people with disabilities and discuss its differentiation according to main demographic characteristics: age and sex using available data from 2011 census. The questions are : what is the definition of disabled population – an open unanswered question whether we can conduct the analysis using available data in view of their incomparability according to the definitions what do we know about economic activity of disabled population what is the employment and unemployment of disabled what is the differentiation according to age and sex whether it is possible to compare economic activity of disabled population over time, taking into account two main categories: biological and legal disability We want to determine the possibility of assessing the differences between regions, the results of which are necessary for the needs of the local community. In the future knowledge on disability will be even more necessary in the work of local governments and social service organizations.

Introduction - formulating the problem Disability is a concept whose meaning changes to reflect the changing perception of this phenomenon. It is no longer understood only as a consequence of disease or injury. At present it is usually perceived in terms of various barriers that a disabled person encounters in society. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as: “Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.” Most European countries define disability in terms of barriers encountered by disabled people in their daily lives. The degree of disability is usually determined in terms of the decline in functional ability (from 20% to 100%). Each of us experience some obstacles in carrying out normal daily activities, especially at a time when we age. Knowledge about disabled persons significantly depends on their subjective assessment of ability to perform activities of daily living.

This diversity refers to both definitions of disability: Introduction - formulating the problem Differentiation of definition of disability across countries and studies This diversity refers to both definitions of disability: Biological Legal People who experience functional limitations in activities of daily living that are typical for their age (playing, studying, work, self-care) People whose physical, psychological or mental condition permanently or temporarily impairs, limits or prevents the performance of social roles, in particular when it limits their ability to perform their occupational duties In Poland the legal definition of disability was established in 1997: according to the Act on Occupational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (issued on 27.08.1997, Dz. U. ([Journal of Laws] of 2011, No. 127, item 721, as amended). Until now several dozen amendments have been introduced into the Act – the last one in October 2015 – but the definition of a disabled person has remained unchanged.

Introduction - formulating the problem We attempt to answer the question on the possibilities to carry out a comprehensive analysis of economic activity of people with disabilities in Poland on the basis of different available data sources including: Labour Force Survey (LFS) legal definition The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) biological and legal definition EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) biological definition and first and foremost the population census biological and legal definitione According to the data source and the accepted definition, the population of disabled in Poland can count from 5.3 million to 9 million people (CSO, EHIS, 2011). The National Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities The Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People Growth in information sources on disability. However, the diversity in the definition of disability employed in research, legislation and eligibility determination is clearly evident not alone between countries, but also within countries. This inconsistency serves to restrict the extent to which national data from different sources can truly be compared O’Donovan and Good (2010).

Disability - comparison and information scope, 2011 census 2011 census data present economic activity of disabled persons in Poland by : categories of disability, sex and place of residence (rural-urban) And provide information by the main source of living, sex, place of residence and categories No information was published on economic activity in the territorial division nor by age Population 2002 census 2011 census Disabled population 5.272.5 thousands 4.527.9 thousands Economically active disabled 1.001.1 thousands 919.9 thousands 20% Working persons with disability 804.6 thousands employment ratio 15.3% 742.9 thousands employment ratio 16.4% 16% Unemployed persons with disability 206.4 thousands unemployment rate 20.4% 177.0 thousands unemployment rate 19.2% 4% Not participating in economic activity 4.233.2 thousands 3.608.1 thousands 80% Source:

Disability - comparison and information scope, 2011 census Incomparability of data and concepts Change in census methodology - mixed method: data were partly obtained from administrative sources (registers and information systems), partly collected directly from individual respondents in a sample survey. Voluntary nature of questions on disability - over 1.3 million respondents refused to answer any questions in the category. It can be assumed that some of those who refused were disabled people. Economic age group: over 50% of women were in the working age group, for men this share exceeded 70% Changing regulations - Introduction of stricter criteria of awarding disability and attendance benefits. More frequent decisions not to apply for benefit entitlements at the start of retirement. Disability 2002 Census 2011 Census Category Population number Percentage of the total population Percentageof the total population Total 5 455 914 14.27 4 697 048 14% 12.22 Legally 4 449 685 11,64 3 131 459 30% 8,13 Legally merely 1 624 568 4.25 479 453 70% 1.24 Biologically 3 831 346 10.02 4 217 598 10% 10.95 Biologically merely 1 006 229 2.63 1 565 592 56% 4.07 Legally and Biologically 2 825 117 7.39 2 652 006 6% 6.89

Disability - comparison and information scope, 2011 census

Legally disabled population in Poland Compliance of data on disability from different sources Legally disabled population in Poland Census 2011 3131.0 LF 2009 3341.3 LF 2011 3505.5 EHIS 2009 3801.5 Unfortunately, possibilities to verify compliance of data on disability from different sources are limited. Each data source use different definitions and classifications For 2011, basically there is no comparable information on the number of disabled persons for any of the categories: biological and legal.

Estimation procedure In order to conduct the analysis of economic activity of disabled a two-fold approach was applied: Aimed at assessment of quality of 2011 census data on disability Use of demographic projection methodology for different categories of disabled according to 2002 census, to analyse the change after 9 years The procedure was applied under severe assumptions We applied the order of the extinction of the full life table for the total population (with and without disabilities) of a given age and sex. It was assumed that lower probability of death for the total population than for the population with biological disabilities, is compensated by the biological disability acquired as a result of different kinds of injury and accidents in the period between censuses. This assumption has not been verified and is controversial, but no information on the death rate of people with disabilities prevents a different approach. Also, estimates of disability as a consequence of accidents are difficult because of the lack of relevant information. The results show: the impact of introducing new law - the decline in the number of legally disabled the scale of growth of disability as a result of disease and accidents Aimed at assessing a pattern of economic activity of disabled Use of 2002 census data in order to: assess a pattern of economic activity of disabled estimate the gap between economic activity of people with and without disability Use LFS data for the comparison of : the pattern of economic activity of disabled estimated upon the 2002 census data the gap between economic activity of people with and without disability changes in time The model obtained might be used to assess economic activity of disabled, based on 2011 census estimates

Estimation results – comparison and evaluation Different results of implementing the demographic aging procedure by category of disability: For legally disabled, they maintain regulations from 2002 - reflected in the increase in this category in the retirement age with the shift in time (9 years between censuses) For biologically disabled the gap indicates the intensity of the growth of disability, especially significant for the elderly over 50 years old

Economic activity of people with disabilities, 2002 Census Age Employment Rate: Disalbed/All Persons Unemployment Rate: Disalbed/All Persons Males Females 15-19 0,5 1,1 20-24 1,2 25-29 0,4 1,5 1,3 30-34 1,7 1,4 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 0,6 60-64 0,7 1,0 65-69 70-74 75+ Total 0,3

Economic activity of people with disabilities, LFS 2001-2015 Age Employment Rate: Disalbed/All Persons Unemployment Rate: Disalbed/All Persons Males Females 15-19 0,4 1,9 0,5 0,7 20-24 1,5 0,3 1,7 25-29 2,5 2,0 30-34 2,2 1,2 35-39 1,6 40-44 2,6 45-49 2,3 50-54 55-59 60-64 1,1 Total

Economic activity of people with disabilities, LFS 2001-2015 LFS data for years 2001-2015 was also used to verify the stability of the observed pattern of economic activity people with disabilities. It turns out that when it comes to employment, the resulting pattern is essentially unchanged over time. While the unemployment rate is characterized by a growing trend. In particular, a significant increase was observed during the economic crisis. This confirms particularly difficult situation of people with disabilities in the labour market.,81,bael

Estimates of economic activity of disabled, 2011 Census Average estimates of employment and unemployment rates, taking into account the growing trend in the unemployment rate Age Males Females Employment Rate Unemployment Rate 15 0,03 0,48 0,02 0,32 20 0,23 0,15 0,40 25 0,30 0,26 0,27 0,25 30 0,18 0,14 35 0,31 40 0,17 45 0,28 0,19 50 0,29 55 60 0,10 0,08 0,04 65+ 0,13 0,07

Conclusion Diversity of the data sources, definitions and subjective assessment on disability influence the analysis An increasing tendency in the number of biologically disabled The official regulations significantly influenced estimates of legally disabled, but the decrease in the number of merely legally disabled is reasonable However, different data sources show similar pattern of economic activity of the disabled population Employment Rate (ER) for people with disabilities is about 3 times lower for men and 2,5 times for women than for the whole population For men of the age group 30-35 the ER amounts to over 88% for the whole population and less than 30% for disabled For women of the age group 30-35 the ER amounts to over 71% for the whole population and about 31% for disabled Unemployment Rate (UR) for people with disabilities is about 60% higher for men and 50% for women than for the whole population For men of the age group 30-35 the UR amounts to less than 7% for all persons and over 15% for disabled For women of the age group 30-35 the UR amounts to less than 10% for all persons and over 12% for disabled The gap between employment rate was almost stable during 2001 – 2015 time period The gap between unemployment rate has increased for about 60%, particularly evident in times of crisis The inequalities in economic activity pattern for disabled are particularly significant for younger persons with disabilities

Thanks for your attention Grażyna Dehnel g.dehnel@ue.poznan.l Elżbieta Gołata