R30 Language Census Training San Diego Unified School District Name of School Date English Learner Advisory Committee
What is the Language Census? An annual count of English Learner (EL) students and their programs Required by the California Department of Education for all public schools Used to produce reports to the public and for the state and federal governments Ensures maximum allocation of supplemental funding for English Learners ELAC R30 Training ENG
Data Collection The Office of Language Acquisition asked each district school to verify data about EL program placement and services on approximately March 1, 20__. The figures in this report are from our school.
Total Number of English Learners English Learners are identified using the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). The total number of English Learner students enrolled in school on approximately March 1, 20__ was _________. This comprises approximately _____% of our school’s student enrollment.
Most Common Languages More than __ languages are spoken in the homes of English Learners in our school About ____% of our EL students are Spanish speakers Nearly ____% of our EL students speak one of these ____ languages: Spanish Vietnamese Filipino-Tagalog Somali
EL Program Placement Structured English Immersion (SEI) Students are at Beginning and Early Intermediate levels of English proficiency. Nearly all instruction is in English and is designed for children who are learning the language. Your School’s # Mainstream English Cluster (MEC) Students have achieved “reasonable fluency” in English and are typically at Intermediate, Early Advanced and Advanced levels of English proficiency. Alternative Bilingual Program Students have an approved Parental Exception Waiver and receive instruction in English and the primary language.
Instructional Services for ELs English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) Your School’s # ELD and SDAIE with Primary Language Support ELD and Primary Language Instruction (Bilingual Program)
Parent Exception Waivers Placement of a English Learner student in a Biliteracy or Dual Language Program requires the approval of a Parent Exception Waiver, which must be renewed each school year. If you want your child to participate in Biliteracy or Dual Language next year, be sure to submit a waiver!
Bilingual Program Placement is Increasing Last year, ___ ELs participated in the Biliteracy Program at our school This year _____ ELs participated in the Biliteracy Program – an increase of ____ students!
Reclassification is Increasing! Last year, ___ ELs were reclassified as Fluent English Proficient This year _____ ELs were reclassified as Fluent English Proficient We are on the right track, but we can do better! Lets discuss what you can do to help! ELAC R30 Training ENG