#UDL2016 Engaging Educators in System-wide Implementation of Universal Design for Learning 2nd Annual UDL Symposium Building UDL Community and Practice Around Engagement August 8-10, 2016 Kim Korotkov and Tiffany Bastin New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development #UDL2016 Tiffany- as people enter, have them place a sticky note to indicate their own self assessment on the UDL Roads
Outcomes for Today’s Session #UDL2016 Outcomes for Today’s Session Share an approach to full-system implementation of UDL Encourage participants to draw connections to their own context and UDL goals Consider what action participants can take to work toward wider implementation Self-reflection (see handout) Tiffany- make note of the presentation road map, reflection sheet, handouts included to guide the discussion and evaluation
Your UDL Journey Activating your knowledge… Which road are you travelling on? Post as you enter Who are we? With a partner: Where are you on your journey? Why did you choose this session? Tiffany Roads as they enter; Who are we- brief intro of ourselves (ask them to stand): Teachers, students, school specialists, administrators, district leaders, state or province leaders, policy makers, non profit/ interest groups, post-secondary, researchers Share with someone nearby- 1 minute each- where you are on the UDL journey and why you chose this session (insert timer for two minutes)
New Brunswick’s Journey #UDL2016 New Brunswick’s Journey Inclusive Education Context Public education is universal - the provincial curriculum is provided equitably to all students and this is done in an inclusive, common learning environment shared among age-appropriate, neighbourhood peers; Public education is individualized - the success of each student depends on the degree to which education is based on the student’s best interests and responds to his or her strengths and needs; and Public education is flexible and responsive to change Kim With a population of 753,914, New Brunswick is a relatively small province, with the majority of the population centred on large urban areas. The education system comprises two sectors- one Anglophone and one Francophone, which are overseen by one Minister and two Deputy Ministers. There are 314 schools in the province (220 Anglophone and 94 Francophone) and just under 99,000 students who are served by 7500 teachers. Francophone sector also doing UDL A unique attribute of education in New Brunswick is the commitment to fully inclusive schooling for all students regardless of cognitive or physical limitations. This distinction led to New Brunswick being recognized with a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) award for having one of the most inclusive education systems in the world. 2013 it all began Includes high school council- questions from April session addressed Intro Apr 19th, Instructional Planning, Social Emotional Learning, Supporting UDL with technical
New Brunswick’s Journey #UDL2016 New Brunswick’s Journey Setting the stage- provincial introduction to 7000 educators and support personnel Differentiated support for educators- module development week Introduction to UDL Instructional Planning with UDL Social Emotional Learning and UDL Supporting UDL with Technology UDL and Support Staff Leadership Planning for UDL Implementation PBIS and UDL Kim- emphasize union participation and classroom teachers in the development; provincial data and the neuroscience as the hook
New Brunswick’s Journey #UDL2016 New Brunswick’s Journey Instructional planning- subject matter experts together developing and planning for video capture UDL Team Applications-action research; supported 14 UDL Leadership Teams; collaborated with University of New Brunswick Pre-service teachers at university and Community Colleges Kim Both unions supported NBTA and CUPE engaged and involved
New Brunswick’s Journey #UDL2016 New Brunswick’s Journey Partnered with UNB for National UDL Conference- Nov 2014 First day focus on leadership Over 700 educators attended Variety of sessions Action Research Teams presented Action Research 2014-2016 Next Steps- Diversity Conference 2017 Tiffany
Divided Sessions 15 minutes per session #UDL2016 Divided Sessions 15 minutes per session Session A (Kim)- UDL Action Research, Findings, and Inclusion Policy Session B (Tiffany)- Portal site with UDL materials Tiffany insert timer for 15 minutes Tiffany will distribute copies of the two learning guides and the strip for online access Kim will distribute the key findings from action research (monograph) and note the inclusion definition and policy
Closing Your questions and comments? Parking lot Contact: #UDL2016 Closing Your questions and comments? Parking lot Contact: Kim.Korotkov@gnb.ca Tiffany.Bastin@gnb.ca Kim/Tiffany- reminder to complete evaluation; reminder we are around for the rest of the symposium- open to meeting and discussing further