Schmidt and Manning Pressure-induced ion pairing in MgSO4 solutions: Implications for the oceans of icy worlds Figure S-2 Percentage of contact ion pairs in 0.75 and 2.25 molal MgSO4 solutions as a function of pressure along isotherms (dark blue, 50 °C; cyan, 75 °C; green, 100 °C; red, 125 °C; orange, 150 °C). Vertical error bars, 2 standard errors; horizontal error bars, uncertainty in the pressure obtained from the shift in the wavenumber of the 464 cm-1 Raman line of quartz. Figure S-2 Percentage of contact ion pairs in 0.75 and 2.25 molal MgSO4 solutions as a function of pressure along isotherms (dark blue, 50 oC; cyan, 75 oC; green, 100 oC; red, 125 oC; orange, 150 oC). Vertical error bars, 2 standard errors; horizontal error bars, uncertainty in the pressure obtained from the shift in the wavenumber of the 464 cm-1 Raman line of quartz. Schmidt and Manning (2017) Geochem. Persp. Let. 3, 66-74 | doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1707 © 2017 European Association of Geochemistry