Evaluating Results of Learning Blaž Zupan www.ailab.si/blaz/predavanja/uisp
Evaluating ML Results Criteria Both are important Kinds of accuracy Accuracy of induced concepts (predictive accuracy) accuracy = probability of correct classification error rate = 1 -accuracy Comprehensibility Both are important but comprehensibility is hard to measure accuracy usually studied Kinds of accuracy Accuracy on learning data Accuracy on new data (much more important) Major topic: estimating accuracy on new data
Usual Procedure to Estimate Accuracy All available data Learning set (Training set) Test set (Holdout set) Internal Validation Learning System Induced Classifier External Validation Accuracy on test data Main idea: accuracy on test data approximates accuracy on new data
Problems Common mistake Size of the data set estimating accuracy on new data by accuracy on learning data (resubstitution accuracy) Size of the data set hopefully test set is representative for new data no problem when available data abounds Scarce data: major problem much data is needed for successful learning much data is needed for reliable accuracy estimate
Estimating Accuracy from Test Set Consider Induced classifier classifies a=73% of test cases correctly So we expect accuracy on a new data close to 75%. But: How close? How confident we are in this estimate? (this depends on the size of the testing data set)
success rate on test data Confidence Intervals Can be used to assess the confidence for our accuracy estimates Confidence intervals success rate on test data 0% 50% 100% 95% confidence interval
Evaluation Schemes (sampling methods)
3-Fold Cross Validation reoder arbitrarily train test train & test #1 train & test #2 train & test #3 dataset evaluate statistics for each iteration and then compute the average
k-Fold Cross Validation Split the data to k sets of approximately equal size (and class distribution, if stratified) For i=1 to k: Use i-th subset for testing and remaining (k-1) subsets for training Compute average accuracy k-fold CV can be repeated several, say, 100 times
Random Sampling (70/30) Random split data to, say, 70% data for training 30% data for testing Learn on training, test on testing data Repeat procedure, say, 100 times, and compute the average accuracy and its confidence intervals
Statistics calibration discrimination
Calibration and Discrimination how accurate are probabilities assigned by the induced model classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, ... Discrimination how good would the model be to distinguish between positive and negative cases area under ROC
Test Statistics: Contingency Table of Classification Results true positive, false positive false negative, true negative
Classification Accuracy CA = (TP+TN) / N Proportion of correctly classified examples
Sensitivity Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) Proportion of correctly detected positive examples In medicine (+, -: presence and absence of a disease): chance that our model correctly identifies a patient with a disease
Specificity Specificity = TN / (FP + TN) Proportion of correctly detected negative examples In medicine: chance that our model correctly identifies a patient without a disease
Other Statistics From DL Sackett et al.: Evidence-Based Medicine, Churchill-Livingstone, 2000.
ROC Curves ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristics From 70s used to evaluate medical prognostic models Recently popular within ML [rediscovery?] sensitivity [TP rate] a very good model 100% not so good model 1-specificity [FP rate] 0% 0% 100%
ROC Curve T = 0 T = 0.5 T = ∞
ROC Curve (Recipe) Draw grid: step 1/N horizontally step 1/F vertically Sort results by descending predicted probabilities Start at (0,0) From the table, select top row(s) with the highest probability Let rows include p positive and n negative examples: move to a point p grid points up and n right Remove selected rows If any more rows, go to 4
ROC Curve (Recipe)
ROC Curve (Recipe)
ROC Curve (Recipe)
ROC Curve (Recipe)
ROC Curve (Recipe)
ROC Curve (Recipe)
AROC = P [ P+(positive example) > P+(negative example) ] Area Under ROC TP Rate 100% FP Rate 0% 0% 100% For every negative example we sum up the number of positive examples with higher estimate, and normalize this score with a product of positive and negative examples. AROC = P [ P+(positive example) > P+(negative example) ]
Area Under ROC Is expected to be from 0.5 to 1.0 TP Rate 100% FP Rate 0% 0% 100% Is expected to be from 0.5 to 1.0 The score is not affected by class distributions Characteristic landmarks 0.5: random classifier below 0.7: poor classification 0.7 to 0.8: ok, reasonable classification 0.8 to 0.9: here is where very good predictive models start
Final Thoughts Never test on the learning set Use some sampling procedure for testing At the end, evaluate both predictive performance semantical content Bottom line: good models are those that are useful in practice