A misunderstood form of art tattoos A misunderstood form of art
What is a tattoo? Tattooing as a verb means marking (a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin Tattoo as a noun is the design made by tattooing
How did it all start? Tattooing has been practiced across the globe since at least Neolithic times, as evidenced by mummified preserved skin, ancient art, and the archaeological record. Both ancient art and archaeological finds of possible tattoo tools suggest tattooing was practiced by the Upper Paleolithic period in Europe. However, direct evidence for tattooing on mummified human skin extends only to the 4th millennium BC. The oldest discovery of tattooed human skin to date is found on the body of Ötzi the Iceman, dating to between 3370 and 3100 BC.
Tiny bit more recently… The first documented professional tattoo artist in the USA was Martin Hildebrandt, a German immigrant who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in 1846. Between 1861 and 1865, he tattooed soldiers on both sides in the American Civil War. The first documented professional tattooist (with a permanent studio, working on members of the paying public) in Britain was Sutherland Macdonald in the early 1880s. Tattooing was an expensive and painful process, and by the late 1880s had become a mark of wealth for the crowned heads of Europe.
Tattoo…artist? A tattoo artist is first and foremost an artist. Their goal is not purely to satisfy their client. They also aim to develop their art Artists might be picky when it comes to picking clients, especially the recognized ones. Their job is tiring and stressful. They have a huge responsibility.
Why get tattoos? Right answer; for yourself YOU like it It means something to YOU It’s a tribute to something in YOUR life Wrong answer; for others It’s what cool people do My friend has one too Girls/boys like it A tattoo you get for yourself is a tattoo you’re a lot less likely to regret
Oops, I don’t want that anymore – tattoo regret Tattoos are permanent, but people change. Therefore it’s easy to regret something you decided to put on your body ten, or twenty, or thirty years ago. But what can you do about it? Option 1; live with your bad decisions Option 2; cover it up with a new tattoo (if possible) Option 3; very painful, very expensive laser tattoo removal
Colors!!!!!!! Black and grey tattoos Color tattoos
Realism – Surrealism Traditional New School Dot work Tribal Japanese Some tattoo styles… Realism – Surrealism Traditional New School Dot work Tribal Japanese Biomechanical
New school
Tattoo stealing/copying Tattoo stealing is copying the exact tattoo someone has on their body on someone else Each tattoo is personal and unique and that’s how things are supposed to be Any respectable artist will refuse to steal a tattoo and take credit for the art of another
How much do I pay? The price of the tattoo depends on the artist, the piece, the placement and other such factors. Looking for a cheap tattoo is a bad idea. There is a minimum charge for tattoos, that is different in each tattoo shop.
What do I do before I get a tattoo? RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!! Find a tattoo artist that specializes in the style you want The tattoo artist should be someone whose work you admire. After all, the consequences of picking the wrong artist will be with you forever. Literally. Don’t be afraid to travel for a tattoo.
Are tattoos worth the trouble? It fully depends on you… Make your choice