New Curriculum Specialists Patti Blank, Chancellor’s Office Marie Boyd, Chaffey College Njeri Griffin, Chancellor’s Office Kevin Olson, Chancellor’s Office Marilyn Perry, Sacramento City College, Facilitator
Typical Job Duties - 1 USUALLY, under the general supervision of the Vice President for Instruction Coordinate the curriculum approval process from the course and program proposal level through local and state approval, including ACCJC if appropriate Assure that new and revised curriculum is documented and approved by the district and CCCCO in a timely manner prior to offering Coordinate with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office in assuring compliance for program and course approval Attend curriculum Technical Review Committee meetings to provide technical support and act as a resource
Typical Job Duties - 2 Work with faculty to clarify comments and resolve problems prior to submission to COCI Attend college Curriculum Committee meetings and record proceedings Prepare and maintain documentation related to curriculum approval Track completion of changes for publication Work with the Financial Aid department to update the ECAR
Typical Job Duties SOMETIMES: Assures compliance of the curriculum with Student Services in the areas of Articulation, Matriculation, and Admissions and Records; Coordinates, edits, and produces the content for the College Catalog and Catalog Addenda Performs a variety of technical duties relative to assigned area
Tasks of Others Faculty or administrative responsibilities: Create the Course Outline of Record Determine Course Design (lecture/lab/studio) Determine the course units Establish TOP and SAM Codes for courses or programs Establish class size Determine the Minimum Qualifications for a course These elements should be established through collegial consultation with faculty and administration.
Useful Stuff to Know Immediately! Definitions of Different Types of Curriculum credit, degree-applicable, non-degree applicable; stand-alone Where to Find Course Data Elements
Non-Degree Applicable Definitions Credit Degree Applicable Non-Degree Applicable Stand-Alone
General Issues in Submissions Missing documentation Missing course list items Narrative not complete or accurate Incorrect coding
Building a New Program Narrative Program Goals and Objectives Catalog Description Program Requirements Master Planning Enrollment and Completer Projections Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs Similar Programs at Other Colleges in the Service Area
Issues in Submitting Certificates Certificate Award Certificate Goal Units don’t match Narrative Missing Supporting Documentation CORs not listed or duplicated in the Course Report Section There are Two choices for Program Award B – Certificate of Achievement: 12 to fewer than 18 semester (or 18 to fewer than 27 quarter) units C – Certificate of Achievement: 18 or greater semester (or 27 or greater quarter) units Program goal, for example, the goal is CTE and transfer, but it can only be CTE because certificates don't transfer. Missing supporting documentation: CORs not attached or some are missing The narrative is missing or incomplete The required documents for program goals that are CTE and transfer must have: the advisory Council minutes the regional consortia minutes and labor market information CORs not listed or duplicated in the course report section Reasons why there might be duplicate courses in the course report section: A course could have been entered accidentally twice - College can delete one The course proposal is in review - hold the proposal until the course is approved The original course record has two CORs; therefore, the college must edit the original course record to show only one COR.
Issues in Submitting Associate Degrees Program Goal is not accurate Units don’t match Narrative GE Pattern is not accurate Missing Supporting Documentation For degrees that transfer, not providing the AAM and not meeting the 51% rule CORs not listed or duplicated in the Course Report Section Associate degree common revision requests: Program goal Units in the proposal don't match the narrative Missing supporting documentation: CORs not attached or some are missing The narrative is missing or incomplete The required documents for program goals that are CTE and transfer must have: the advisory Council minutes the regional consortia minutes and labor market information The supporting documentation for traditional agrees for transfer must have an articulation agreement by major. This must show that required courses fulfill the majority of lower division requirements for the baccalaureate major at a specific CSU or UC. CORs not listed or duplicated in the course report section Program review and board date For CTE proposals, you must have a review date with in two years
Issues in Submissions: ADTs Can submit ADT for approval with courses that have been awaiting C-ID approval for 45 days or longer GE Area (both CSU and IGETC) – incorrect or incomplete breadth requirement next to the course Double count discrepancies ASSIST Supporting Documents – incorrect report or not attached at all
Issues in Submissions: ADTs Missing information in the Narrative: TITLE: Degree should follow the convention “Associate in (Arts/Science) in (Discipline) for Transfer” Associate in Arts in English Program Requirements (when included) does not match template Name the baccalaureate program, specifies preparation for transfer to CSU system
Issues in Submissions: ADTs Ed Code §66746 requirements for program description of ADT: Students who complete an ADT and transfer to a similar major at a CSU are guaranteed a pathway to finish their baccalaureate degrees in 60 semester or 90 quarter units. These degrees require students to meet both of the following requirements: (1) Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following: (A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements. (B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district and meeting the requirements of an approved transfer model curriculum. (2) Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
Hands-on: Narrative
True or False? A new course that will be offered as part of an approved program can be displayed in the college catalog once it is submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.
True or False? For non-substantial ADTs, the latest template has to be used.
True or False? A certificate of achievement can have a range of 16 to 18 units.
True or False? LMI is a requirement for all program submissions.
True or False? Double counting is permitted using the local GE pattern.
True or False? Revisions to existing programs and courses that have been submitted can be published in the catalog prior to receiving approval.
True or False? Newly approved certificates and degrees can’t be offered by colleges until they are published.
True or False? The program review date is every two years from the date of submission to the Chancellor’s Office.
True or False? Changing the repeatability status for a course is a non-substantial change.
True or False? Degree programs that exceed 60 units must include a justification for why the units exceed 60.
True or False? My college just changed the title and units of a program-applicable course. The certificate doesn’t need to be submitted, only the degree, so we can start offering the changed course right away.
True or False? Every program must be reviewed by the college within two years.
True or False? If my program has a CTE TOP Code, the SAM code is “E.”
Information Resources Information may not trickle, so regularly check these websites: Chancellor’s Office: Academic Affairs: Intersegmental Programs and Credit Curriculum: What’s New:
Related Workshops Suggestions Thursday, July 13 10:30 - Basics of Noncredit 2:30 - Curriculum and Public Documents (Catalogs and Schedules) - Financial Aid and Curriculum 4:00 - Local Degrees, Graduation Requirements, and GE Patterns - CTE Curriculum Basics Friday, July 14 9:00 - Breaking the Codes (TOP, CIP, SAM, CB) 2:30 - Curriculum Specialists Roles and Responsibilities 4:00 - Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI) Saturday, July 15 9:00 - Table Discussion with the CCCCO
Contacts Njeri Griffin, Patti Blank, Marie Boyd, Njeri Griffin, Kevin Olson, Marilyn Perry,