October Reminders Peek at the Week Week of the 16Th Theme – F is for Farm Monday…….….Movement (pm) Tuesday…….….Swimming (pm) Wednesday.….Cooking/Music (pm) Thursday……...Library (pm) Friday……….…..Art (pm) Reminders October 21 – Maintenance Day 9:00am - ? October 26-27 No School (PT Conferences) October 30th – Halloween Carnival 6-7 (We need volunteers to run carnival booths – please contact Shelly or I if you are interested) October 31st Class Party December 12th Peppermint Parade 6pm Parent teacher conferences times will be posted on more my board within the week. If a time doesn’t work, let me know. Elsie was the Ranger of the Week. She loves her siblings, little critter books, and spending time with her family. Peek at the Week This week we learned the word oviparous and all the animals that are oviparous. We had Rachel and Shannon come in and talk to us about their raccoon research, that they are doing for the university. October 18th Ludwig Photography is coming in to take photos. If your child doesn’t normally attend, then you can still come in to have your child's photo taken. Also, we will still do photos in the Spring. October 21st is our maintenance day – please bring your family and come help up tidy up the school. Donuts will be served. We will have a class Halloween party on the 31st. I will have a sign up sheet on my bulletin – if you would like to sign up to bring something. thanks Thank you to Sophia F, Cael, and Palmer for bringing snacks. Contact info…. Phone: 307-745-7256 prek2class@laramieopenschool.org ©The Little Ladybug Shop