Thank you to our Sponsors and Exhibitors!
Midcontinental Chapter of MLA Annual Business Meeting October 11, 2017 Columbia, MO
Agenda Call to Order Approval of 2016 Business Meeting Minutes Review Agenda and Call for New Business MCMLA Awards Association Business Requiring Discussion or Action: Financial Report 2016-2017 – Jackie Hittner Bylaws –Betsy Mueth Strategic Plan – Lisa Traditi Association Updates & Reports Endowment Fund drawing - Nancy Woelfl Drawing for FREE MCMLA and MLA membership – Holly Henderson Research Awards – Christi Piper Review of MCMLA 2016-2017 – Gwen Wilson Discussion of New Business Introduction of New Chapter Chair New Chapter Chair Presentation – John Bramble Invitation to 2018 MCMLA Annual Meeting Adjournment – John Bramble
AHIP First Time Applicant Award Dave Castelli Recognized as a Distinguished Level member
MCMLA STARS Jerry Carlson Barb Jones Kristen DeSanto Rebecca Graves Lenora Kinzie Holly Hubenschmidt Jackie Hittner Betsy Mueth Amanda Sprochi John Bramble Mary Helms Melissa De Santis Claire Hamasu Teresa Hartman Gwen Wilson Nancy Woelfl Danielle Drummond Alissa Fial Tallie Casucci
Honors & Awards Committee Barb Jones - MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award Kerri Swaggart Barbara McDowell Award Excellence in Hospital Librarianship Bernice Hetzner Award Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship Nominate someone next year!
MCMLA Business Requiring Discussion or Action: Financial Report 2016-2017 – Jackie Hittner Bylaws – Betsy Mueth Strategic Plan – Lisa Traditi
Treasurer’s Report: Jackie Hittner Reminders: MCMLA budget runs on a calendar year Financial Accounts a money market interest bearing checking account a checking account for the chapter a checking account for the annual meeting the endowment
Available Funds 2012-2016 (end of fiscal year) End September 30, 2017 Money Market 52,232.96 Checking 2,685.78 Endowment 24,513.41 TOTAL 79,432.15 Endowment Principal: 23,355.41 Endowment Interest: 1,158.00
Revenue Streams for Chapter Membership Dues Profit from Annual Meeting Interest on Money Market Account ($41.68) Interest on the Endowment Fund ($1,158.00)
Dues Revenue 2013-2017 Notes: Started collecting 2017 dues in January 2017 19 members in 2016 did not renew for 2017 13 new members for 2017 September 30, 2017: 136 regular members; 11 emeritus members
Annual Meeting Profit 2012-2016 2012 – Kansas City 2013 – Salt Lake City 2014 – Denver 2015 – Virtual 2016 – Des Moines
Chapter Revenues/Expenses 2012-2016
Chapter Revenues/Expenses September 30, 2017
Completed Since October 2016 Established the Endowment Fund Created a Finance Committee Submitted Form 990 to MLA for 2016 MCMLA Tax Filing Opened a checking account for the Chapter Opened a checking account for the annual meeting
2018 Dues Renewal Schedule Nov 27, 2017 Deactivate the chapter membership renewal link so we can revise/update the membership form Dec 2017 Review form Jan 1, 2018 Activate the chapter membership renewal link so members can pay 2018 dues Jan 2, 2018 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members it is time to pay their 2018 dues; message will be sent to the listserv letting membership know the renewal reminder was sent earlier in the day Jan 16, 2018 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members who have not paid their 2018 dues to pay their dues Feb 1, 2018 Wild Apricot will email a reminder to members who have not paid their 2018 dues that they have until Feb 14 to pay their dues. If payment is not received by Feb 15 then the member goes into lapsed status Feb 15, 2018 Members who have not paid their dues goes into lapsed status
Motion—Bylaws Committee The By-Laws Committee moves that Article IX, Section 3 of the MCMLA By-Laws be amended to read: “The standing committees include but are not limited to: Nominating and Executive.” The former wording for this section reads: “The standing committees are Advocacy, Annual Meeting Advisory council, Bylaws, Education, Honors and Awards, Membership, Nominating, Publications, and Research.” Please note that all committees and their members are listed both in the Policy and Procedure Manual and on the MCMLA Website, and this will continue. It is the hope that by making this change, it will be easier to add and delete committees as needed without the necessity of a bylaws change each time.
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 Strategic Area 1: Member engagement Goal 1: MCMLA Members utilize chapter programs and services Goal 2: MCMLA leadership, committee, task force, etc., positions have broad representation of members Strategic Area 2: Continuing education & professional development Goal 1: MCMLA members’ educational and professional needs are supported Strategic Area 3: Research Goal 1: MCMLA members are involved in member-driven research Strategic Area 4: Advocacy Goal 1: MCMLA members are health sciences librarianship advocates Goal 2: MCMLA member are aware of MCMLA, MLA Chapters, ALA, MLA, etc. advocacy resources Strategic Area 5: Professional networking Goal 1: MCMLA members share and network throughout the year. Strategic Area 6: Financial responsibility Goal 1: MCMLA members are aware of the chapter financial management plan
MCMLA Updates & Reports Endowment Fund drawing - Nancy Woelfl Drawing a FREE MCMLA and MLA membership – Holly Henderson Research Awards – Christi Piper Review of MCMLA 2016-2017 – Gwen Wilson
Endowment Fund Drawing A Tiger Tailgate Basket “The Bad Ass Librarians of Timbuktu”
A FREE MCMLA Membership Membership Drawing A FREE MCMLA Membership A FREE MLA Membership
Research Awards Best Research Paper Best Research Poster Viewer’s Choice Award
Review of MCMLA 2016-2017
Ad Hoc Endowment Task Force Began fund raising at 2016 Joint Chapter Meeting, Des Moines. $305 in cash was contributed; an additional $2,000 pledge was received Entered agreements with Lodestar Financial LLC, investment advisor, and the Charles Schwab Company, MCMLA’s investment agent Advised transfer of $20,000 in unencumbered treasury money to the endowment fund Current fund balance is $24,065; in six months, it has earned $1,158 Having completed its charge, the Task Force was discharged in April, 2017 The Finance Committee is now responsible for endowment fund raising Submitted by: Jackie Hittner, Betsy Mueth, and Nancy Woelfl, Chair
Advocacy Solicited a survey on advocacy and shared the results in the newsletter Looked into using the MCMLA blog page to share ideas for promotion, advocating, etc. Committee: Angela Spencer, Chair, Betsy Meuth, Barb Jones
Archives Working Group The MCMLA Ad Hoc Archives Committee became the Archives Working Group in 2016/2017, the MCMLA website was updated with the change. Heidi Zuniga resigned as Archivist when she changed positions to a different library, the MCMLA executive committee voted in Jessica Gerber as the new archivist in August 2017. Betsy, Jackie and Angela continue to work on sorting the paper archives of MCMLA, currently in St. Louis, discarding duplicates, and assessing if any documents are missing. Jessica Gerber continued to work on ingesting the MCMLA digital archives to the Digital Collections of Colorado repository. The Archives Working Group met in September online through Zoom, and plans to meet in person at the MCMLA Annual Meeting to discuss current projects and future goals. The Archives Working Group plans to consider adding to the archives policy and the policies document to encourage members of MCMLA to submit documents to the archives. URL of MCMLA digital archives: Committee: Jessica Gerber (Archivist), Chair; Jackie Hittner, Betsy Mueth, Angela Spencer
Bylaws Committee The By-Laws committee received a suggestion to try and align the committee section of the MCMLA by-laws with those of MLA. MLA does not list out all of their standing committees, which makes it easier to add and remove the committees for the organization as needed. It appears that we only really need to list the Nominating and Executive committees. The MCMLA By-Laws Committee has proposed a change. We will vote on the change at the MCMLA Annual Meeting in October. Committee: Betsy Mueth, Chair, Brenda Pfannenstiel, Euem Osmera, Heather Brown, Lisa Traditi, Nancy Woelfl
Education Committee Worked with the 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee to plan CE offerings at the 2017 annual meeting Committee: Ben Harnke, Chair; Ben Bolin, Katie Dayani, Maria Ford, Shelie Vacek Ex officio: Rebecca Graves, Shawn Steidinger, Christian Minter
Honors & Awards Committee Major Awards There were no nominees for the Bernice M. Hetzner Award. Keri Swaggart, Children's Mercy Kansas City, will receive the Barbara McDowell Award. Barb Jones, NN/LM-MCR and University of Missouri, will receive the Outstanding Achievement Award. Stars Program – 19 members were identified Mary Helms and Marilyn De Geus were selected to attend the Chapter Sharing Roundtables. Mary’s report on serving as the facilitator for the Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries topic is in the Summer 2017 issue of MCMLA Express. They will be the final recipients, as the Chapter Council decided to no longer sponsor the Roundtables. There were no applicants for the Travel Scholarship. Forgetting to update the application form and advertise it is probably a factor. Committee members: Jerry Carlson, Chair, Judi Bergjord, Chair Elect, Kristen DeSanto
Membership Committee Fifteen new members were welcomed this year Mentor Program E-Poster at MLA Annual Meeting MCMLA Brochure – the brochure was revised and posted on the chapter website History of Membership Project Committee Members: Alissa Fial, Kimberly Harp, Holly Henderson (chair) – rotating off committee, Jim Honour, Yumin Jiang (incoming chair 2017-2018), Timmi Johnson, Merinda McLure – rotating off committee, Nena Schvaneveldt Ex-Officio Members: MLA Chapter Council Representative, Heather Brown (part of the year) / Annette Parde-Maass, MLA Chapter Membership Liaison, Jeanne Burke, MCMLA Treasurer, Jackie Hittner
Nominating Committee The Nominating committee was charged to hold elections for the following 2017-2018 positions: Vice-Chair/Chair Elect Recording Secretary Representative to the MLA Nominating Committee Representative to the MLA Chapter Council Alternate Representative to the MLA Chapter Council Committee members recruited two candidates for each position. The elected candidate is in bold. Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: Heather Brown, Shawn Steidinger Recording Secretary: Alicia Lillich, Emily Glenn Representative to the MLA Nominating Committee: Nena Schvaneveldt, Pamella Asquith Representative to the MLA Chapter Council: Annette Parde-Maass, Ben Bolin Alternate Representative to the MLA Chapter Council: Jeanne M. Burke, Jerry Carlson Committee members: Erica Lake, Chair, Erin Wimmer, Lisa Traditi, Immediate Past MCMLA Chair, Jackie Hittner
Publications Committee Budget: Expenditure of $179.84 for a camera lens and small equipment for the MCMLA camera Activity Summary: Quarterly MCMLA Express published as required in the MCMLA Policy and Procedure Manual Regular columns were submitted by Amanda Sprochi (MCMLA Congratulates) and the Chapter president, Gwen Wilson; the membership committee had a regular column on new MCMLA members, and both the MCMLA and MLA annual meetings were covered John Jones and Katie Dayani continued on as editors. Susan Sanders resigned due to retirement. Publications Committee: Amanda Sprochi (editor), Katie Dayani, John Jones
Research Committee The Research Committee worked with the Annual Meeting Planning Committee to solicit and select the research papers and posters for the 2017 Annual Meeting. In order to accomplish this the committee solicited research proposals, conducted a blind review of proposals, ranked proposals, and selected the top proposals for presentation at the meeting. The committee chair served as a member of the Annual Meeting Planning Committee to assist with the organization and structure of research presentations at the meeting. The chair will also manage the selection and presentation of the Research Awards at the Annual Meeting for Best Research Paper, Best Research Poster, and Viewer’s Choice Award. The Research Committee also provided input for a survey about barriers to research conducted by the Advocacy Committee. The Research Committee maintains the ongoing goal of working with the Advocacy Committee to investigate methods for encouraging research and promoting the research done by MCMLA members. Committee members: Christi Piper, chair, Anne Heimann, Rebecca Carlson McCall, Melissa Rethlefsen, Kristin Sen, Holly Hubenschmidt
MLA AHIP Credentialing Liaison There was one application received for the AHIP First Time Applicant award in 2017. Dave Castelli, Utah, was recognized at the Distinguished Level and was reimbursed $200. Over the past year, I have had contact with five chapter members with questions about AHIP membership, and was a mentor for two of the five. My goal was to contribute articles about the AHIP process to the MCMLA Express article and one appeared in v 38, no.1. Respectfully submitted by: Shawn Steidinger
MLA Chapter Membership Liaison Below are some key changes that will impact individuals and institutions for members of both MLA and MCMLA. In response to on-going financial challenges, MLA has made some membership fees and categories changes to help address these issues. MLA has also added or altered membership rates for regular, retired, students, low salaries, unemployed and new librarians, ( To support members professional development and share costs many local groups of librarians are getting together to purchase access to MLA CE Webinars. MCMLA is encouraging this practice which benefits and encourages MLA and MCMLA cooperation and membership benefits. MLA and MCMLA Committees are both exploring new ways on how to work together in insure that each organization stays relevant and improves member services that are financially viable for health sciences librarians and the institutions and people they serve. All librarians working in health sciences related areas with ideas or insights on how to improve MLA and MCMLA are encouraged to share them with officers from one or both of these key professional organizations. Respectfully submitted: Jeanne M. Burke, MLIS, M.Ed.
Web Editor/MCMLA-L Listserv Owner Listserv activities (Oct 2016 – Sept 2017): Worked with individual subscribers to address posts from “unrecognized” email addresses. Monitored the listserv to prevent the posting of emails from an increasing number of spam accounts. Web Editor activities (Oct 2016 – Sept 2017): Updated the MCMLA-L-Admin listserv for incoming & outgoing Executive Committee members. Updated passwords for the Membership, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs “dummy accounts” (used by selected Executive Committee members to make updates to specific web pages). Monitored the Wild Apricot system during the annual membership renewal time period.
Web Editor/MCMLA-L Listserv Owner Web Editor activities, continued: Served as a member of the 2017 and 2018 Annual Meeting planning committees; created and maintained registration forms for the 2017 Annual Meeting. Continued to monitor & post content to our social media outlets, including: MCMLA Blog Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Twitter
Annual Meeting Advisor (AMA) I sought and found a replacement to serve as the AMA. John Jones was approved by the executive committee and will assume the role of AMA at the close of the 2017 Annual Meeting. We have been working together on convening committees to plan the 2018 (virtual) and 2019 (Nebraska) meetings. John and I will continue to work together to update the conference planning manual. No work has been done on the Annual Meeting Advisory Council, beyond establishing the wording in the Policy & Procedures Manual. This remains a task for the incoming AMA, to find members to serve in this roll. 2018 Annual Planning Committee Chairs are Rebeca Brown and Gwen Wilson 2019 Annual Planning Committee Chairs are Euem Osmera and Jeanne Burke I have also served as Chair of the 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee. Respectfully Submitted by: Rebecca Graves
2016 Joint Meeting Planning Committee Attended by 158 people 73 CE certificates Profit: $19,014.35 (MCMLA $8,366.31) Revenue: $78,355.00 Expenses: $59,340.65
2017 Annual Meeting The MCMLA 2017 Annual Meeting will be held in the Tiger Hotel in Columbia, MO, October 9-11th, under the theme, One Health. There will be 10 vendors plus the MCMLA, MLA, and the RML exhibiting. The meeting proper will be held over 1 ½ days including two speakers, posters, papers, the business meeting, reports from the RML, MLA, and lunch round table discussions. While four continuing education (CE) classes were offered only one made. The expected attendance is 50. Fingers crossed, the conference is expected to break even. MCMLA 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee: Kate Anderson, Ben Harnke, Tracey Hughes, Barb Jones, Taira Meadowcroft, Christi Piper, Caryn Scoville, Amanda Sprochi, Rebecca Graves – Chair
Thank you to our Sponsors and Exhibitors!
Building on the Foundation
Executive Summary The MCMLA Endowment Fund Task Force Deposited $23,155.41 to Lodestar as the first deposit The Endowment Fund Task Force was discharged in April 2017 MCMLA Strategic Budget Task Force Collected and analyzed data from the last 10 years of MCMLA annual budgets Recommendations were made to the Executive Committee to help establish a balanced annual budget The Strategic Budget Task Force was discharged in April 2017 Creation of 2 MCMLA standing committees Finance Committee Archives Working Group MCMLA’s new five year strategic plan Bylaws vote
2016-17 Goals Finalize the MCMLA Strategic Plan - In progress Key Strategies: Based on the feedback from membership Work with the Strategic Plan Task Force to prioritize MCMLA’s Strategic Goals Share with membership via email list, website, newsletter Establish Strategies to Achieve each Strategic Goal – In progress Use Strategic Plan Task Force to develop strategies for each goal Create a specific timeline and ownership [standing committees] for all strategies Utilize the timeline to identify strategies for 2016-17 Review each MCMLA committee to help ease the transition from chair to chair - Completed Work with the MCMLA Committee Chairs and Executive Committee to consider the creation of a Vice-Chair role within each committee The Executive Committee approved the creation of Vice-Chair roles within these specific MCMLA Committees: Advocacy Committee, Bylaws Committee, Education Committee, Honors and Awards Committee, Membership Committee, and Research Committee
Thank you!
Discussion of New Business
Introducing: John Bramble 2017-18 MCMLA Chair
Thank You, Gwen Annual Meeting Advisor
Specific | Measureable | Assignable | Realistic | Time Related Work SMART! Specific | Measureable | Assignable | Realistic | Time Related Activity 1: Strategic Priorities Implementation (learn by doing) New Leader Orientation Annual Activity Guide (due with budget requests) Activity Updates Annual / Mid-Year Report Guides Activity 2: Investigation Committee (Ad hoc) What would moving to a Published Conference Proceedings model look like? Activity 3: Investigation What would MLA as MCMLA’s Online Service Provider look like? Treasurer Web Editor & MCMLA-List Admin Annual Meeting Advisor Archivist Publications
Invitation to 2018 MCMLA Annual Meeting Gwen Wilson & Rebecca brown
Adjournment “See” you in 2018!