LOW CARBON TRANSPORT HUBS Andrew Willis | Head of UK Projects, Urban Foresight
OUR EXPERIENCE Dundee Waterfront Travel Hub Dundee Waterfront Travel Hub Strathclyde University Low Carbon Transport Hubs Inverness Active and Low Carbon Transport Hubs Angus Green Travel Hub Newcastle & Sunderland Go Ultra Low Filling Stations Aberdeen Exhibition Centre Low Carbon Hub Perth and Kinross Travel Hubs
WHAT IS A LOW CARBON TRANSPORT HUB? “A cluster of infrastructure and services that facilitates the use of differing low carbon transport modes” Toyota Smart City
DETERMINE THE CORRECT RANGE OF FACILITIES Existing site infrastructure Stakeholder desires Cost to build and operate Site location and accessibility
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? Technology Development Usage
ESTIMATING DEMAND IS CHALLENGING http://www.smart2zero.com
MANAGING OPERATIONAL COSTS Micro-renewables Ancillary / complementary services Community groups and the third sector
THE COMMERCIAL CASE FOR EV CHARGING / HYDROGEN REFUELLING FACILITIES Emerging market, number of significant commercial risks Existing zero cost infrastructure distorts ability for private sector to compete Some capital subsidy is invariably required
WHERE TO NEXT? Low Carbon Transport Hubs will be built in Dundee, Newcastle, Sunderland and Perth by end 2018 Monitoring how they are used will be essential to optimise the value / attract further investment Low Emission Zones may help drive change and create further need for facilities
THANK YOU Andrew Willis Head of UK Projects | Urban Foresight Limited The Core, Science Central, Bath Lane Newcastle upon Tyne | United Kingdom andrew.willis@urbanforesight.org Web: www.urbanforesight.org @UrbanForesight