The patient presented with atrial flutter 10 years after ASD repair The patient presented with atrial flutter 10 years after ASD repair. A multipolar catheter with 10 bipoles (halo) was positioned in the right atrium and oriented in the "usual" way with the proximal poles against the septum, the catheter circling at the top of the right atrium and descending the lateral wall with the distal poles pointing to the cavotricuspid isthmus. The coronary sinus catheter is positioned so that the proximal pair is 10–20 mm inside the CS os. Entrainment from the lateral RA 11–12 is shown. What is the probable mechanism of the flutter? Source: Catheter Ablation, Clinical Electrophysiology Review, 2e Citation: Klein GJ, Prystowsky EN. Clinical Electrophysiology Review, 2e; 2016 Available at: Accessed: November 08, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved