CPD Resource for Teachers STEM Employability CPD Resource for Teachers The experience and skill set of STEM professionals will be wide, and often very technical. This simple activity is designed to encourage teachers to consider and engage in the wider employability discussion – we recognise that the vast majority of teachers will do so enthusiastically. If we want our students to progress, then it is essential to equip student with both high level technical skills and the softer skills needed to succeed in the work place. This activity is just a stimulus.
Picking people out of a crowd Employability skills can make a good candidate stand out from the crowd…
Who would you employ? John has excellent lab skills - having qualified with a first class degree in Biochemistry He struggles to make successful relationships and does believe that this is an issue; he says “Why worry I am first class chemist!”
Who would you employ? Brian, is also a biochemist, qualifying with a 2:2 degree. He is very keen to keep on improving and has quickly established good relationships with co-colleagues and customers.
What do we mean by employability skills? List 5 essential skills needed in a STEM workplace. Discussion – using the STEMNET employability guide – we recognise 10 wider, soft skills – there may be others such as even ‘having a sense of humour’ or empathy. This is a discussion point. There is no correct response – and it will differ, to some extent, on the specific STEM work place. However, we would expect the majority of these transferable skills to operate in most work places.
Potentially an overwhelming list of skills - the STEMNET employability skills is simpler to use and manage.
What do we mean by employability skills? How do STEM skills differ from employability skills? Why do some STEM teachers overlook these skills? Some teachers, quite rightly, may not see the distinction – teachers will often use all of these wider employability skills in their own pedagogy. Others may employ a more narrow and traditional teaching style – focused on the technical skills required of their subject.
'Education Simply Does Not Train Students for Employment' The importance of interpersonal skills cannot be overstated, especially in today’s scenario. And these soft skills are not taught to students at most colleges, due to which they end up struggling at their first job. The New Indian Express 21/12/2015 – this is an international problem. Identified here by a an Indian Business leader - http://www.newindianexpress.com/education/edex/Education-Simply-Does-Not-Train-Students-for-Employment/2015/12/21/article3185405.ece
CBI: Raising Ambition for All Our campaign calls for reforms to the education system to ensure that all young people are supported to develop not only the skills and knowledge, but also the attitudes and behaviours that they need to succeed. http://news.cbi.org.uk/reports/first-steps/first-steps-pdf/
STEMNET Employability Skills STEMNET working with schools are looking to address this problem.
Self Awareness: People possess these skills… Self awareness is crucial for students as they move into employability. Teachers need to allow students to reflect upon their technical and personal skill set.
But not always…
How do we evidence STEM Employability Skills, and raise their profile? Activity – an evidence based approach
Student work Review An example of a student’s work
How do we build these soft skills into our STEM curriculum?
How do we build these soft skills into our STEM curriculum? Can you adapt schemes of work? Signpost Employability skills in your work? Engage in a skills week? Integrate within your Tutorial/Pastoral/PSE programmes? Take advantage of external opportunities? https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/teachers/
Any questions? We do not claim ownership of any of the materials used; they are used for educational purposes only.