IRIS Seismographs in Schools Program L Braile, 9/29/10
IRIS Seismic Monitor for ~12:00 August 16, 2007 (UTC)
The AS-1 Seismometer
The AS-1 Seismometer Inexpensive (~$600); easy to set up and use Demonstrate how a seismograph works “Make your own earthquake” Monitor earthquakes – local (~M3+), regional (~M5+), worldwide (~M6.5+) Connects to IRIS data archiving and analysis software (written by Alan Jones) on Windows computer; maintain EQ catalog Display, filter and analyze seismograms Calculate epicenter-to-station distance from S-P times; calculate magnitude
WLIN AS-1 Seismograph 24-hour screen display for August 15-16, 2007
USGS earthquake data (
WLIN AS-1 Seismograph 24-hour screen display for September 12-13, 2007, M8.4, M7.9, M7.0, Indonesia
IRIS Education and Outreach Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Dedicated to exploring Earth's interior through collection and distribution of seismographic data Contribute to scholarly research, education, earthquake hazard mitigation, and verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Education and Outreach Program Works with seismological and educational communities to enhance seismology and Earth Science education Provides professional development for teachers For those who aren’t familiar with IRIS, IRIS stands for Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. IRIS is essentially a National Science Foundation-funded consortium of universities and other partners dedicated to exploring Earth’s interior through the collection and distribution of seismographic data. IRIS programs contribute to scholarly research, education, earthquake hazard mitigation, and verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. The Education and Outreach program is one of four IRIS programs. We work with seismological and educational communities to enhance seismology and earth science education in K-12 schools, colleges and universities. The IRIS E&O program also provides professional development to help teachers use seismology in the classroom.
Benefits of AS-1s in the classroom Easy to understand mechanics Students can help with set-up and maintenance in addition to data collection Can be used in the classroom part of the year and then put away Inexpensive While the idea of running an operating seismograph in your classroom may seem a little daunting, the mechanics of the AS-1 are actually pretty simple and easy to understand such that students can help with their set-up and maintenance, thus enhancing their experience. Because AS-1s are easy to assemble and disassemble, they can easily be used for part of the year and then put away. And AS-1s are relatively inexpensive and run for about $500 each. If you’d like information on how you can go about purchasing an AS-1 instead of applying for one through our program, please see one of us after the session.
Connections to NSES Basic connections: Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (5-8) Content Standard B: Physical Science Motions and forces (5-12) Interactions of energy and matter (9-12) Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science Structure of the earth system (5-8) Earth’s history (5-8) Additional connections could be made with increased time and resource investment during class. Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Understandings about scientific inquiry (5-12) Content Standard B: Physical Science Motions and forces (9-12) Transfer of energy (5-8) Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science Energy in the earth system (9-12) Content Standard E: Science and Technology Understandings about science and technology (5-12) Abilities of technological design (5-12) Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Natural hazards (5-8) Risks and benefits (5-8) Natural and human-induced disasters (9-12) Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges (9-12) Content Standard G: History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor (5-12) Nature of science (5-8) Nature of scientific knowledge (9-12)
What happens next? Attend 2.5-day “AS-1 Users Workshop” Travel supported by IRIS Learn how to set up, use and maintain your AS-1 Learn how to collect, store, analyze, and share data Receive software, manuals, and ideas for classroom activities Email and phone support Level 2 Workshop Potential visits from scientists One teacher from each team will be invited to attend a 2.5 day users workshop that will cover the basics of setting up and using the seismograph, an overview of associated software, instruction in how to manipulate and analyze seismic data, and methods of sharing data locally and across the country. IRIS will cover the travel and accommodation costs for the workshop, which will be held in the eastern US. The seismographs will be mailed to you after the workshop. We will continue to offer advice and help for as long as you have the seismograph. IRIS maintains an email list serve of all the teachers with AS1s so they can ask questions and share experiences. Teachers can privately email us or each other as well. We’re currently looking into the prospect of hosting a Level 2 users workshop sometime within the next year or two. In addition, we encourage IRIS members to visit their local schools with seismographs. We are still learning how to better support our teachers and with each new year we learn more. AS-1 Workshop, San Antonio, TX, Sept 18-20, 2009