10th Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting June 10th, 2016
Information SLM Doctoral student requests: two from the section selected Work on skills in APT, in order for the group needs to become more transparent, in view of the the BE retreat Group meeting and BBQ organisation: please provide feedbackfor the future BEMB EDH form OHS-0-0-3 "Identification of Occupational Hazards", has to be completed by all staff as part of the MARS form. Please take action if not done Discussion started for a PIMS2 study Future of CLIC: CALIFES (now CATS) workshop in autumn BE workshop may be extended to whole Accelerator Sector Presentation on the status of the pension fund, discussion on the extension of retirement age Information on US-LARP meeting: HL-LHC management prefers that the US delivers complete cavity assemblies (incl. Given limited total budget of US contribution this may imply delivery of a smaller number of units to CERN
Information LMC Presentation of Mike about revised schedule MD1 block moved for after July LHC operation: Established new records: lumi at 6.5 TeV (~8E33 cm-2s-1), integrated luminosity / fill of 370 pb-1, integrated luminosity / week of 2 fb-1. (Mostly) long fills – no OP dumps. Series was interrupted by a UFO induced quench. Operating with 2040b @ 1.1E11 ppb – full machine with 72b/injection. Now out of the technical stop. Instabilities dured with high vertical chroma.
Information LHC (Beam-beam, IBS, luminosity) Work on Dario for high chroma and octupoles and revised longitudinal parameters Set-up of collaboration agreement with TRIUMF (Dobrin) Preliminary results of Fanouria showing that lumi-lifetime basically follows the model, again with similar constant emittance behaviour. Detailed bbb analysis on-going.
Information Next events: USPAS at Fort-Collins, Colorado, 13 – 24/06/2016 HB2016, at Malmö, Sweden, 3-8/07/2016 Physics Beyond Colliders Kick-off Workshop, 6-7/09/2016 ALERT2 workshop, 14-16/09/2016, Trieste Workshop on CALIFES future, 10-12/10/2016 CAS Introduction to Accelerator Physics, Budapest, 2 –14/10/2016 HL-LHC/LIU Cost and Schedule Review, eeFACT2016, Daresbury, UK, October 24-27/10, 2016 General low emittance rings workshop in Paris, 26-28/10/2016 Joint HiLumi-LARP Annual Meeting in Paris, 14-16/11/2016 23-26 January 2017: LHC Chamonix workshop
AOB Next section meeting on the 24th of June at 11am